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Current special Game - Valid from 07.10 to 07.11 - Page nb 16

Special Game 07.10.2022 - 07.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

¢.60" ae ea O Seles) 500 2MP 2MP mAh = Front = ‘Rear @®@0e z IGBRAM warrant 18cm 1668 ROM ¥ TELEFUNK Oeics 7” 3G Tablet - Yrae New & Upgrade Contracts 1B Anytime Data 168 Sta 12AM- SAM) n Prepaid Sim Card ON CONTRACT ONLY ‘Smartphone device operates exclusively ‘onthe Vodacom Network CT yaad 70.1” 4G Tablet ~ IT Tablet | 2580 © 03MP =—.2MP. oy psd New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts } man 7 IGBRAM warranty 778m 8G ROM ded in Prepaid dans Git cards may rot be redeemed for ca cr as payment en inate. Pease br oda comvretat-device and Al Deis valid wae stocks Ls 16 SAGSGAN482, RSA EDITION, PRICES VALIO FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022

Latest specials

¢.60" ae ea O Seles) 500 2MP 2MP mAh = Front = ‘Rear @®@0e z IGBRAM warrant 18cm 1668 ROM ¥ TELEFUNK Oeics 7” 3G Tablet - Yrae New & Upgrade Contracts 1B Anytime Data 168 Sta 12AM- SAM) n Prepaid Sim Card ON CONTRACT ONLY ‘Smartphone device operates exclusively ‘onthe Vodacom Network CT yaad 70.1” 4G Tablet ~ IT Tablet | 2580 © 03MP =—.2MP. oy psd New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts } man 7 IGBRAM warranty 778m 8G ROM ded in Prepaid dans Git cards may rot be redeemed for ca cr as payment en inate. Pease br oda comvretat-device and Al Deis valid wae stocks Ls 16 SAGSGAN482, RSA EDITION, PRICES VALIO FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022

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