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Current special Game - Valid from 07.10 to 07.11 - Page nb 18

Special Game 07.10.2022 - 07.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

uble your Data __ recharge with R29 and 500MB Youtube brie ASS itely @moticet Vision V41 LTE 70MIN Star Gradient aren Smartphone enced Smartphone oe) ©) a Fn man Rear 4 m= 512MB RAM Fr = “ warranty =z 1608 ROM Ul G=S 1o.46em | PREPAID PREPAID y rate oS ° SOOMB be 500MB G29 YouTube staal ‘YouTube Date PM True ons Hisense TOMIN I Breer U606 Smartphone cana Kicka 6 DAT @ © @ @ Ly 2000 «=«2MP— SMP 2600 SMP man Rom Rear may Rear 700MB ae @ @ @ Wr ays Pa | = 4° warrant s warranty > tolem 368 ROM * = 15.4em if PREPAID II > PREPAID 5 . = - ewle SOOMB / 500MB . rq YouTube ontaPM ‘YouTube Data Pu sevice models at participating stores. Daa allocations vary depending on crce. Customers with eaybhe 36 devices to recharge with R23" monthly to cece the aioated etlocatons: and eile 4G devices wehRZS" ‘monthly to receive te aflocaed allocations. Buy ae Get allocations may inctude Voda minutes, Anytine dota. 95 wel 2s You Tube data. All Gata liocatons (excluding YouTube) wil be allocated daly for 7 days. vals fee Lay trom dote of allocation, whe 1GB YouTube wil be aklocated once, valid fr 7 dys For fl terms and condtions, vx veda comdtetat-Sivce ard voocom ‘Vodacom SIM card tor 12 months After thes period you can contact 082 135 for an unlock code to enabie yout enable youto use it for other networks Foe haters. 18 SAGSGA1482. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022 | (Otters wa rom 07 Oct-07 Now 2022. Stand tres and cones apphy. #Subpet to RICA andin-stee actvation ofa Vodocem Prepaid svt ck VAT clush.EBDE The Vosucom Buy and Get Seartphone Retak Campaign wl fram 08:00 on 7 October 2022 ure 17.00 on 7 November 2022 (both dns ictusive) The promotional fer slid to haw ad existing Vodacom Prepon cuitomers only, ands ony applicable to specie R204 ‘Once activate this vie wl en work wth 2 conden vist vosacemcazs

Latest specials

uble your Data __ recharge with R29 and 500MB Youtube brie ASS itely @moticet Vision V41 LTE 70MIN Star Gradient aren Smartphone enced Smartphone oe) ©) a Fn man Rear 4 m= 512MB RAM Fr = “ warranty =z 1608 ROM Ul G=S 1o.46em | PREPAID PREPAID y rate oS ° SOOMB be 500MB G29 YouTube staal ‘YouTube Date PM True ons Hisense TOMIN I Breer U606 Smartphone cana Kicka 6 DAT @ © @ @ Ly 2000 «=«2MP— SMP 2600 SMP man Rom Rear may Rear 700MB ae @ @ @ Wr ays Pa | = 4° warrant s warranty > tolem 368 ROM * = 15.4em if PREPAID II > PREPAID 5 . = - ewle SOOMB / 500MB . rq YouTube ontaPM ‘YouTube Data Pu sevice models at participating stores. Daa allocations vary depending on crce. Customers with eaybhe 36 devices to recharge with R23" monthly to cece the aioated etlocatons: and eile 4G devices wehRZS" ‘monthly to receive te aflocaed allocations. Buy ae Get allocations may inctude Voda minutes, Anytine dota. 95 wel 2s You Tube data. All Gata liocatons (excluding YouTube) wil be allocated daly for 7 days. vals fee Lay trom dote of allocation, whe 1GB YouTube wil be aklocated once, valid fr 7 dys For fl terms and condtions, vx veda comdtetat-Sivce ard voocom ‘Vodacom SIM card tor 12 months After thes period you can contact 082 135 for an unlock code to enabie yout enable youto use it for other networks Foe haters. 18 SAGSGA1482. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022 | (Otters wa rom 07 Oct-07 Now 2022. Stand tres and cones apphy. #Subpet to RICA andin-stee actvation ofa Vodocem Prepaid svt ck VAT clush.EBDE The Vosucom Buy and Get Seartphone Retak Campaign wl fram 08:00 on 7 October 2022 ure 17.00 on 7 November 2022 (both dns ictusive) The promotional fer slid to haw ad existing Vodacom Prepon cuitomers only, ands ony applicable to specie R204 ‘Once activate this vie wl en work wth 2 conden vist vosacemcazs

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