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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 06.03 to 19.03 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 06.03.2023 - 19.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

volkano Hisense TELEFUNKEN => : perarle NS1399 Dresser? NS2599 21,cpanelsomenor NS14QQ aie NS19999 Tin Nex tuonits, — ° OW esa i Subwoofer HS212F Deposit NS150 NS129 x 24 Months. Nevo 24 Months & © 120W * 2-Year Guarantee esse pic: = - NS3599 NS5599 Deposit N$360. Deposit N$S6O. NS169 x 24 Months, NS259 x 24 Months. Hisense 2.0-Channel Party Speaker 2.1-Channel CD Mini Hi-Fi nan HP130 CJ45 “> * 400W °720W uss * 2-Year Guarantee *2-Year Guarantee a, GOA TOP VIEW * Includes Notebook, Bag, Wired Mouse & CONNEX Numeric USB Keypad NS39QQ 14" swittbook — « Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Deposit NSB00, Celeron Bundle» SSD Bay Up to 256GB/1TB HDD Deposit nsa00. |. _ L1430PRO-OK-03 * Windows 10 & Office 365 (1-Month Trial) * N3350 Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.4GHz Max Processor NS31999 NS4g9 —«NS1999 Deposit NS47. Deposit NS1 10 NS29 x 24 Months. NS59 x 24 Months, — = 2 4-Way Surge 2 5 2 | HIKVISION | Protector Dual Arm Wall- a wormen rs ths FBWPX4/3 Mount Bracket Neo Stick 1286B bate hd VISION a MBX-NEO-01 Pen rtr Elen] bn BAMEWMSO09-44AT : enna ar Pech) ) Sot ed vee) c ayAitsBue Perr RES | Regen Ryser ad eee al Denes tha 3] ad | (ee @ Cee ed gf Ton cae eo 01 1 3 RE & Prices advertised are appicable within Namibia only. Al Terms inclde depos VAT and ance charges, but exude insurance and deve charges, unless otherwise stated. Bring you 1D prot of residence (nt oker % than three months) and three months’ atest paysipssalary advice to ensure rapid response to your credit applicaon. Lay-by avaable on selected stock. Enquire in-store fr more deals. Standard Terms and Conditions appt At procs inated in Hrs aren net vale. Should you ad any Rem cheaper at any ter retailer, grove a quote or cue catalague and we wl fund the dfrence plus 5% ofthe cerence. Tis is condtional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Furniture and the period for wich the price from OK Furniture fs valid fr, and not thereafter. This oer excudes Store Openings, Clearances and Lvted Quanity ofes. Products are avaiable from all ranches, however, due to our vast range, al products may not necessary be on spay in al stores. Accessories displayed areal displayed as extras and are not included in the advertised 1 rie. Should an error occur or incomplete information be printed in this advertisement we wl display a notice in-store with al th comectdetalis. BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (00264) 62 564335, GROOTFONTEIN: (00264) 157 240632, KATATURA: (00264) 61 219234, KATIMA MULILO: (00264) 66 252574, KEETMANSHOOP: (00264) 63 226071, OKAHANDJA: (00264) 62 500611, ONDANGWA: (00264) 65 241146, OSHAKATE: (00264) | FURNITURE | 165 222454, OSHIKANGO: (00264) 65 265333, OTJIWARONGO: (00264) 67 304751, OUTAPE: (00284) 65 251462. REHOBOTH: (00264) 62 523340, RUNDU: (002644) 68 255156, SWAKOPMUND: (00264) 64 481728, TSUMEB: (00254) 67 221518, WALVIS BAY: (00264) 64 200197, WINDHOEK: (00284) 61 259531, MARIENTAL: (00264) 63 242060, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers alowed, E&OE

Latest specials

volkano Hisense TELEFUNKEN => : perarle NS1399 Dresser? NS2599 21,cpanelsomenor NS14QQ aie NS19999 Tin Nex tuonits, — ° OW esa i Subwoofer HS212F Deposit NS150 NS129 x 24 Months. Nevo 24 Months & © 120W * 2-Year Guarantee esse pic: = - NS3599 NS5599 Deposit N$360. Deposit N$S6O. NS169 x 24 Months, NS259 x 24 Months. Hisense 2.0-Channel Party Speaker 2.1-Channel CD Mini Hi-Fi nan HP130 CJ45 “> * 400W °720W uss * 2-Year Guarantee *2-Year Guarantee a, GOA TOP VIEW * Includes Notebook, Bag, Wired Mouse & CONNEX Numeric USB Keypad NS39QQ 14" swittbook — « Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Deposit NSB00, Celeron Bundle» SSD Bay Up to 256GB/1TB HDD Deposit nsa00. |. _ L1430PRO-OK-03 * Windows 10 & Office 365 (1-Month Trial) * N3350 Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.4GHz Max Processor NS31999 NS4g9 —«NS1999 Deposit NS47. Deposit NS1 10 NS29 x 24 Months. NS59 x 24 Months, — = 2 4-Way Surge 2 5 2 | HIKVISION | Protector Dual Arm Wall- a wormen rs ths FBWPX4/3 Mount Bracket Neo Stick 1286B bate hd VISION a MBX-NEO-01 Pen rtr Elen] bn BAMEWMSO09-44AT : enna ar Pech) ) Sot ed vee) c ayAitsBue Perr RES | Regen Ryser ad eee al Denes tha 3] ad | (ee @ Cee ed gf Ton cae eo 01 1 3 RE & Prices advertised are appicable within Namibia only. Al Terms inclde depos VAT and ance charges, but exude insurance and deve charges, unless otherwise stated. Bring you 1D prot of residence (nt oker % than three months) and three months’ atest paysipssalary advice to ensure rapid response to your credit applicaon. Lay-by avaable on selected stock. Enquire in-store fr more deals. Standard Terms and Conditions appt At procs inated in Hrs aren net vale. Should you ad any Rem cheaper at any ter retailer, grove a quote or cue catalague and we wl fund the dfrence plus 5% ofthe cerence. Tis is condtional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Furniture and the period for wich the price from OK Furniture fs valid fr, and not thereafter. This oer excudes Store Openings, Clearances and Lvted Quanity ofes. Products are avaiable from all ranches, however, due to our vast range, al products may not necessary be on spay in al stores. Accessories displayed areal displayed as extras and are not included in the advertised 1 rie. Should an error occur or incomplete information be printed in this advertisement we wl display a notice in-store with al th comectdetalis. BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (00264) 62 564335, GROOTFONTEIN: (00264) 157 240632, KATATURA: (00264) 61 219234, KATIMA MULILO: (00264) 66 252574, KEETMANSHOOP: (00264) 63 226071, OKAHANDJA: (00264) 62 500611, ONDANGWA: (00264) 65 241146, OSHAKATE: (00264) | FURNITURE | 165 222454, OSHIKANGO: (00264) 65 265333, OTJIWARONGO: (00264) 67 304751, OUTAPE: (00284) 65 251462. REHOBOTH: (00264) 62 523340, RUNDU: (002644) 68 255156, SWAKOPMUND: (00264) 64 481728, TSUMEB: (00254) 67 221518, WALVIS BAY: (00264) 64 200197, WINDHOEK: (00284) 61 259531, MARIENTAL: (00264) 63 242060, HEAD OFFICE: +27 11 456 7000. No Dealers alowed, E&OE

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