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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 06.03 to 19.03 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 06.03.2023 - 19.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

we sAvE h'(e) U] money WITH OUR LOWEST CREDIT INSTALMENTS . NS4ggiM Deposit N$1100. CASH PRICE NS$10999, SAVE NS2000 | Reem eee eesti cs A ott Deposit NS1000.. 3-Piece Montego Corner Lounge Suite [J SAVE "S1000 — YepositNs1900._4-Piece Royal Lounge Suite DT Tes) NS459 x24 Months. Accessories not included NS15999 DSP meet Salar HE) ee Se i i y oa = * Bonell Spring System Pe ee eet Scere + Posture Support Technology NS' 1 Dea SL iter ele tei ele toececeu ty * Turn Free Construction 11999 pcre + Ege Support

Latest specials

we sAvE h'(e) U] money WITH OUR LOWEST CREDIT INSTALMENTS . NS4ggiM Deposit N$1100. CASH PRICE NS$10999, SAVE NS2000 | Reem eee eesti cs A ott Deposit NS1000.. 3-Piece Montego Corner Lounge Suite [J SAVE "S1000 — YepositNs1900._4-Piece Royal Lounge Suite DT Tes) NS459 x24 Months. Accessories not included NS15999 DSP meet Salar HE) ee Se i i y oa = * Bonell Spring System Pe ee eet Scere + Posture Support Technology NS' 1 Dea SL iter ele tei ele toececeu ty * Turn Free Construction 11999 pcre + Ege Support

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