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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

6 : " setae Senate 1) Constantia Office Desk (1600) + Left or righthand side setup + Modvlor design for cluster setups CCredenzo with 2 shelves and 3 drawers includes modesty panel desk sreen Cable monagement sytem «Size: 1600 (wx 1600 (d) x 720 mm (h) 2) Constantia Office Desk (1350) lator righthand side setup * Modular design fr cluster setups Credenza with 2 shelves ond 3 drawers -— Includes modesty pone desk screen Coble management system Size: 1550 (w) x 1225 () x 720 mm ) | (436955) 5) Nordic Mid-Back Chair (350609) 6) Bastille Visitors Chair (306738) 7) Bastille High-Back Chair (295527) Sal a a 3) Constantia Office Cabinet (1500) * Lockable doors odjustble shelves, * Adjustable lor levellers * Size: 800 (w) x 400} x 1500 mm (h) (436984) 4) Constantia Office Bookcase (1500) * Dodjusable shelves justable lor levellers * Siz: 800 {wx 400 (x 1500 mm (h) (36981) Finish: monument ook » Material: melamine and sel» Prodi T yf P: a ee EE 2 a te uy es 2) 2-Tier (256219; 264297) 4) 4-Tier (246924; 264299), Steel Lockers 1) Single-Tier 5) 6-Tier (256220; 264901) 3) 3-Tier i2s4ass; 264298) 44/2022. MKNTGM92_Makro DTP/TM_ Promotion volid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 1) 4-Drawer Steel Filing Cabinet * Fish: ory baroo kes: 84°12 + Prod aly esol inoas7e5, LT | 2) Steel Stationery Cupboard stetteery tree Thies £6213 rm {Inds odie shbs + Product fully osembled 1800 mm Steel Canteen Table 1800 mm Heavy-Duty Canteen Table Fike

Latest specials

6 : " setae Senate 1) Constantia Office Desk (1600) + Left or righthand side setup + Modvlor design for cluster setups CCredenzo with 2 shelves and 3 drawers includes modesty panel desk sreen Cable monagement sytem «Size: 1600 (wx 1600 (d) x 720 mm (h) 2) Constantia Office Desk (1350) lator righthand side setup * Modular design fr cluster setups Credenza with 2 shelves ond 3 drawers -— Includes modesty pone desk screen Coble management system Size: 1550 (w) x 1225 () x 720 mm ) | (436955) 5) Nordic Mid-Back Chair (350609) 6) Bastille Visitors Chair (306738) 7) Bastille High-Back Chair (295527) Sal a a 3) Constantia Office Cabinet (1500) * Lockable doors odjustble shelves, * Adjustable lor levellers * Size: 800 (w) x 400} x 1500 mm (h) (436984) 4) Constantia Office Bookcase (1500) * Dodjusable shelves justable lor levellers * Siz: 800 {wx 400 (x 1500 mm (h) (36981) Finish: monument ook » Material: melamine and sel» Prodi T yf P: a ee EE 2 a te uy es 2) 2-Tier (256219; 264297) 4) 4-Tier (246924; 264299), Steel Lockers 1) Single-Tier 5) 6-Tier (256220; 264901) 3) 3-Tier i2s4ass; 264298) 44/2022. MKNTGM92_Makro DTP/TM_ Promotion volid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 1) 4-Drawer Steel Filing Cabinet * Fish: ory baroo kes: 84°12 + Prod aly esol inoas7e5, LT | 2) Steel Stationery Cupboard stetteery tree Thies £6213 rm {Inds odie shbs + Product fully osembled 1800 mm Steel Canteen Table 1800 mm Heavy-Duty Canteen Table Fike

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