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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

No. 1™ Ink tank printer vendor in South Africa Ecotank L6490 + Fast doublesided AA business printer Ecotank L3260 * 1 full set of nk + V extra block incladed * New lounch within Makro Ecotank L14150 * Fast double-sided AA business printer * Print A3+ fom reorpoper ray (428881) 4-inat Ecotank L6270 ? * ot ds pete + ADF * New launch within Maro ) uasoa7 ce => i@zacs Sm oo Ecotank L15150 Ulett double-sided A3s busines prin, 550 sheet paper Way (ar633) ot fill ood chill Epson <i ‘Smart Panel — i) = Epson ‘Smart Panel EPSON Sr onion Dew Sol HP Printers Whether you need business printing at home or to ost your productivity in the off, HP has the right printer. 409090) Find the best printer for your HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 HP Smart Tank 530 Wireless small business or home office All-in-One Printer 4-in-1 Colour Printer 4-in-1 Printer oie erie peter) Same Geers came pcoten a hill alow pape are ss CHP Sor hop es Woes: Ne Seon Ape a ions imo Ee n 0 . oe a - 963XL Black ‘953XL Black af) 6 p Ink Cartridge Ink Cartridge , on (386535) (a1e823) mien es DCP-T820DW Ink MFC. 135300W A3 Tank Printer Colour Inkjet Printer 4 44/2022. MKNTGM92_Mokro DTP/TM_ Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022

Latest specials

No. 1™ Ink tank printer vendor in South Africa Ecotank L6490 + Fast doublesided AA business printer Ecotank L3260 * 1 full set of nk + V extra block incladed * New lounch within Makro Ecotank L14150 * Fast double-sided AA business printer * Print A3+ fom reorpoper ray (428881) 4-inat Ecotank L6270 ? * ot ds pete + ADF * New launch within Maro ) uasoa7 ce => i@zacs Sm oo Ecotank L15150 Ulett double-sided A3s busines prin, 550 sheet paper Way (ar633) ot fill ood chill Epson <i ‘Smart Panel — i) = Epson ‘Smart Panel EPSON Sr onion Dew Sol HP Printers Whether you need business printing at home or to ost your productivity in the off, HP has the right printer. 409090) Find the best printer for your HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 HP Smart Tank 530 Wireless small business or home office All-in-One Printer 4-in-1 Colour Printer 4-in-1 Printer oie erie peter) Same Geers came pcoten a hill alow pape are ss CHP Sor hop es Woes: Ne Seon Ape a ions imo Ee n 0 . oe a - 963XL Black ‘953XL Black af) 6 p Ink Cartridge Ink Cartridge , on (386535) (a1e823) mien es DCP-T820DW Ink MFC. 135300W A3 Tank Printer Colour Inkjet Printer 4 44/2022. MKNTGM92_Mokro DTP/TM_ Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022

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