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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.01 to 18.01 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 05.01.2023 - 18.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

CLOVER RAMA Tropika Dairy Blend Se Original 70% a (all variants) Cheese Loaf Fat Spread } ma Brick ee ‘00 82 vs aoe ees ‘ . = Jae ‘CLOVER MEADOWLAND BONNITA CLOVER Super M : Classique Choice Processed Cheese Flavoured 7) Topping Butter Slices ————y Long life i 5009 ialveron Mill Ld (Al veron) é 00 ‘ y ht fea ise)ey . 7 INKOMAZI = CLOVER ESKORT — NEWERA aay ‘Medium =m | Dairy Smoked or Frozen } ay al Cream Snack Red Viennas Chicken [PP Maas (A verons The Wings ESA fed Ae 6x 1009 Skg bos 4 NO VAT ‘ ~ - 4 aloes (Cheddar or Gouda) at £2.25kg STAND A CHANCE TO WIN’ YOUR SHARE OF R500 000 IN SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURES ECONO RHODE! NESTLE Pilchards in Tomato EB sap: E z fo y GOLD CROSS Sauce iteharasy Gritcnaras Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Condensed Milk feat SS Pe Ur Me a mm re KNORR KNORROX Trae FIVE ROSES NESTLE Aromat Canister Stock Cubes 13 Tagless Teabags Cremora Coffee and Tea (Alvaro iatverons eet oy 2 ecm Creamer “ i Ca Baked Beans < , Pa dr oad ar oe a! Lew 00 5 Bee | ao: 2 7 YUM YUM PURITY rood elt. | BOKOMO Peanut Pureed Baby Fi £ Corn Fl Butter ssa al Ges | Corn Fokes = iron — 5 = q = 2 = RASHIDA 1) Oval Tb Sco mere! sae g0e iaaasos) 21Owlnb ECONO ( PRIMAR’ * Size: 90¢ ¢ Bucket ji (24699) with Lid Boh: Hangers tooset : (usb; £45990 446020) makro # Honeycomb Microfibre Wonder Dishcloth Sponge (asaor Abisce sonsss;sersse; 2 391560; 391563) 32/2023 Mokro.NA Food Mid Month. GAUTENG Vali from 05/01/2023 - 18/01/2023

Latest specials

CLOVER RAMA Tropika Dairy Blend Se Original 70% a (all variants) Cheese Loaf Fat Spread } ma Brick ee ‘00 82 vs aoe ees ‘ . = Jae ‘CLOVER MEADOWLAND BONNITA CLOVER Super M : Classique Choice Processed Cheese Flavoured 7) Topping Butter Slices ————y Long life i 5009 ialveron Mill Ld (Al veron) é 00 ‘ y ht fea ise)ey . 7 INKOMAZI = CLOVER ESKORT — NEWERA aay ‘Medium =m | Dairy Smoked or Frozen } ay al Cream Snack Red Viennas Chicken [PP Maas (A verons The Wings ESA fed Ae 6x 1009 Skg bos 4 NO VAT ‘ ~ - 4 aloes (Cheddar or Gouda) at £2.25kg STAND A CHANCE TO WIN’ YOUR SHARE OF R500 000 IN SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURES ECONO RHODE! NESTLE Pilchards in Tomato EB sap: E z fo y GOLD CROSS Sauce iteharasy Gritcnaras Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Condensed Milk feat SS Pe Ur Me a mm re KNORR KNORROX Trae FIVE ROSES NESTLE Aromat Canister Stock Cubes 13 Tagless Teabags Cremora Coffee and Tea (Alvaro iatverons eet oy 2 ecm Creamer “ i Ca Baked Beans < , Pa dr oad ar oe a! Lew 00 5 Bee | ao: 2 7 YUM YUM PURITY rood elt. | BOKOMO Peanut Pureed Baby Fi £ Corn Fl Butter ssa al Ges | Corn Fokes = iron — 5 = q = 2 = RASHIDA 1) Oval Tb Sco mere! sae g0e iaaasos) 21Owlnb ECONO ( PRIMAR’ * Size: 90¢ ¢ Bucket ji (24699) with Lid Boh: Hangers tooset : (usb; £45990 446020) makro # Honeycomb Microfibre Wonder Dishcloth Sponge (asaor Abisce sonsss;sersse; 2 391560; 391563) 32/2023 Mokro.NA Food Mid Month. GAUTENG Vali from 05/01/2023 - 18/01/2023

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