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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.01 to 18.01 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 05.01.2023 - 18.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE = CADBURY BEACON Mini Chocolates Smoothies or Supa {fex, Bar One Chocolate Slabs Srnocthics or Smarties) {All variants) 50/60/72 CADBURY CADBURY be pi BEACON WILSON’S 7 Large Crunchie Chocolate _| 5Star Chocolate Bars Mi “ hy a Fizz Pop | ¢ XXX Rolls 7 | Bars p q - q 5 Cr Cre |g a! . é 1>Y-\ >> Marca >) .\ |.) Ala Si ct aan Tk alc + MILK P pacing = ih Lollipops "SER | taverns CADBURY MISTER SWEET Beir BEACON ‘AIRWAVES Large Astros Champion Toffees Jelly Tots // 4 | Chewing 2 (All variants) < (All variants) Gum vasiLentlan' (All variants) MOREALESS DEALS IN YOUR POCKET. ees lee eet ears pene es Ato BAKERS PCW a aes a ae ENERGADE fiom a SPARLETTA Soft Drinks chile BAKERS BAKERS COCA-COLA pRamen Rape | BROOKES fm Blue Label Marie Biscuits Choc-kits o Ascred RR) | orcs = (avant Romany Creams Cans j wvash Biscuits (Allverons) fe fan =p | itvorons) E a ¢ - SIMBA ——| WILLARDS M @ ™@ ®& | COCA-COIA = Fritos Corn Chips (fey | Big Korn Bites Natural stil Soft Drink Botles 5 em {All varionts) vib (Alvarion) or Sparkling Bi Bs) | 15< A r ae Spring Water © | A i 3 | > ma & Gos) Toilet Brush Dustpan and Chenille Maxi Mop |) Moppit isooooror ots) Brush Set silo enried eaaorin) * Colour: assorted 50000688) 2 2/2023 Mokro_Food. Mid Month. GAUTENG Volid from 5/01/2023 - 18/01/2023

Latest specials

NESTLE = CADBURY BEACON Mini Chocolates Smoothies or Supa {fex, Bar One Chocolate Slabs Srnocthics or Smarties) {All variants) 50/60/72 CADBURY CADBURY be pi BEACON WILSON’S 7 Large Crunchie Chocolate _| 5Star Chocolate Bars Mi “ hy a Fizz Pop | ¢ XXX Rolls 7 | Bars p q - q 5 Cr Cre |g a! . é 1>Y-\ >> Marca >) .\ |.) Ala Si ct aan Tk alc + MILK P pacing = ih Lollipops "SER | taverns CADBURY MISTER SWEET Beir BEACON ‘AIRWAVES Large Astros Champion Toffees Jelly Tots // 4 | Chewing 2 (All variants) < (All variants) Gum vasiLentlan' (All variants) MOREALESS DEALS IN YOUR POCKET. ees lee eet ears pene es Ato BAKERS PCW a aes a ae ENERGADE fiom a SPARLETTA Soft Drinks chile BAKERS BAKERS COCA-COLA pRamen Rape | BROOKES fm Blue Label Marie Biscuits Choc-kits o Ascred RR) | orcs = (avant Romany Creams Cans j wvash Biscuits (Allverons) fe fan =p | itvorons) E a ¢ - SIMBA ——| WILLARDS M @ ™@ ®& | COCA-COIA = Fritos Corn Chips (fey | Big Korn Bites Natural stil Soft Drink Botles 5 em {All varionts) vib (Alvarion) or Sparkling Bi Bs) | 15< A r ae Spring Water © | A i 3 | > ma & Gos) Toilet Brush Dustpan and Chenille Maxi Mop |) Moppit isooooror ots) Brush Set silo enried eaaorin) * Colour: assorted 50000688) 2 2/2023 Mokro_Food. Mid Month. GAUTENG Volid from 5/01/2023 - 18/01/2023

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