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Current special Makro - Valid from 29.08 to 11.09 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 29.08.2022 - 11.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

TREND GLASS 48's Zombie or Willy Glasses Sine: 320 ml/385 mil “Mode in Poland (404490; 404508) SAVE 20 aro = t+ | 329 1) 320 ml Zombie Glasses i = = @regent Te babeschathi Aa cand 24's Zombie Glasses in Crate Peek eenr (305350) ei kate ren Lb pene ee @regent 24's Willy Glasses in Crate (905354) = whe SS <a gee 9) red ) rps Ocean Ocean @regent Sante Goblets, Flutes or Wine Glasses _Lexington Red, White Wine or = 24's Hiball Glasses in * Sine: 210 nl, 340 rl, $95 mb Champagne Flute Glasses stata sna a7 wae Hand oO mk 435 oa (228595; 320618; 328616) 05983} SAVE 30 SAVE 50 229 199 per é-pack per b-pock ALVI'S DRIFT PANDORA'S BOX PUse PONGRACZ Reka) fae! ro) a (Um en Sere ers std ea eee fares Nector Demi-Sec Cuvée Rosé ieeeaeal a 200 (a9pee4; 200582; 200568; 280565; 280994: 347795; 271981: 371925) 6 36/2022 Moko DIP/NA MKNTGM16410, Promotion vakd from Monday 29 August fo Sunday 11 September 2022 #N@ DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

Latest specials

TREND GLASS 48's Zombie or Willy Glasses Sine: 320 ml/385 mil “Mode in Poland (404490; 404508) SAVE 20 aro = t+ | 329 1) 320 ml Zombie Glasses i = = @regent Te babeschathi Aa cand 24's Zombie Glasses in Crate Peek eenr (305350) ei kate ren Lb pene ee @regent 24's Willy Glasses in Crate (905354) = whe SS <a gee 9) red ) rps Ocean Ocean @regent Sante Goblets, Flutes or Wine Glasses _Lexington Red, White Wine or = 24's Hiball Glasses in * Sine: 210 nl, 340 rl, $95 mb Champagne Flute Glasses stata sna a7 wae Hand oO mk 435 oa (228595; 320618; 328616) 05983} SAVE 30 SAVE 50 229 199 per é-pack per b-pock ALVI'S DRIFT PANDORA'S BOX PUse PONGRACZ Reka) fae! ro) a (Um en Sere ers std ea eee fares Nector Demi-Sec Cuvée Rosé ieeeaeal a 200 (a9pee4; 200582; 200568; 280565; 280994: 347795; 271981: 371925) 6 36/2022 Moko DIP/NA MKNTGM16410, Promotion vakd from Monday 29 August fo Sunday 11 September 2022 #N@ DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

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