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Current special Makro - Valid from 29.08 to 11.09 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 29.08.2022 - 11.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 200 =? CO 8 ¢ Coffee Percolator + Freshly percolated colfee + Double-wolled stonies steel container . okey, protection SARS: (173491) (173495), SAVE 200 Popcorn Machine sr i LS kW * Stoinless steel interior + Toughened gloss rofety windows + Intetior healer fo keep product warm * lorge ‘orca for prepared popcor + SABS comphont * Food shown for display purposes only (17349) SAVE 300 we imi SiS 0 cm Flat Top Grill SAVE 200 Heavy-duty Tome cooling pe 38 cm Wrapping Machine Grease drains ina cllechon ry + Fited with water-resistont, ABS compliont long-losting pod element Includes sploshback + SABS complont Food shown for dsploy purposes only * lochodes fee 50 m wrapping plose 3997) or (20375) each 36/2022 Molo OTP/NA MKNTGM16410, Promotion valid from Monday 29 August to Sunday 11 Soplember 2022 Je more fence dowels ud ger on tee Coed 1 ta id ttn, Mayo wil Kee weird sack t eet tcp demand. Sch ofc goo on efit Sted Maki, i ernie ho ary bore mic ask meet orto "ero sho vse renandble on 1 dncontnse ha clr ax nen doch ve ger awaickie we ry ot af Hock of gdh 1 fi wih chang can renrve Wek & Sr yoy @ ecneedae ond cere hrs wh br won produ schon ua wheal gaorraneng he acc eir% the obese jodot Wa maha cers an errr oc incoopite Beeman ih pid, wn wi iplay 0 roses sedare wah ol fea cored Smo Fox buh poche Ory eerined pce per ni wl aly toy oh rk cm mc ora or dol perpen onde 34 VAL, We lr up cy mh once pi Pe oC be kd poked he cdarheemert Moverent rool Services fy} OM i on Auherind Booscel Svcs Proder FSP icone Ne. 47736) undarenen by cl & Feder Bik Feoncing, Make Credit ‘Tax cosomer prosechon nertnce ond shred tt 19.34 hel Repent inns cord en, ceponer promesion auzorce, ond etared OF 193 Wt af 19.3% "**Tatel Repayment inchetes cord bees, cniomer protection imvence ond atered of 19-51 iets) oe STAND makro w!

Latest specials

SAVE 200 =? CO 8 ¢ Coffee Percolator + Freshly percolated colfee + Double-wolled stonies steel container . okey, protection SARS: (173491) (173495), SAVE 200 Popcorn Machine sr i LS kW * Stoinless steel interior + Toughened gloss rofety windows + Intetior healer fo keep product warm * lorge ‘orca for prepared popcor + SABS comphont * Food shown for display purposes only (17349) SAVE 300 we imi SiS 0 cm Flat Top Grill SAVE 200 Heavy-duty Tome cooling pe 38 cm Wrapping Machine Grease drains ina cllechon ry + Fited with water-resistont, ABS compliont long-losting pod element Includes sploshback + SABS complont Food shown for dsploy purposes only * lochodes fee 50 m wrapping plose 3997) or (20375) each 36/2022 Molo OTP/NA MKNTGM16410, Promotion valid from Monday 29 August to Sunday 11 Soplember 2022 Je more fence dowels ud ger on tee Coed 1 ta id ttn, Mayo wil Kee weird sack t eet tcp demand. Sch ofc goo on efit Sted Maki, i ernie ho ary bore mic ask meet orto "ero sho vse renandble on 1 dncontnse ha clr ax nen doch ve ger awaickie we ry ot af Hock of gdh 1 fi wih chang can renrve Wek & Sr yoy @ ecneedae ond cere hrs wh br won produ schon ua wheal gaorraneng he acc eir% the obese jodot Wa maha cers an errr oc incoopite Beeman ih pid, wn wi iplay 0 roses sedare wah ol fea cored Smo Fox buh poche Ory eerined pce per ni wl aly toy oh rk cm mc ora or dol perpen onde 34 VAL, We lr up cy mh once pi Pe oC be kd poked he cdarheemert Moverent rool Services fy} OM i on Auherind Booscel Svcs Proder FSP icone Ne. 47736) undarenen by cl & Feder Bik Feoncing, Make Credit ‘Tax cosomer prosechon nertnce ond shred tt 19.34 hel Repent inns cord en, ceponer promesion auzorce, ond etared OF 193 Wt af 19.3% "**Tatel Repayment inchetes cord bees, cniomer protection imvence ond atered of 19-51 iets) oe STAND makro w!

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