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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 12

Special Makro 22.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

5.W Rechargeable LED GU10 or A60 + 36000 hour, 2 New dono SU serge protection fasrsri basee ears) a 650 W Jigsow YS min 900 W ie faa Sander = Gating copocry 65 wn weed. 6 men seal 337078) 1 Aloe: Fabank faesory 166-Piece Tool Kit = 1/8, 78 ond 1/2" toten soko nd ecceaeries REL LLY exes 1 Sop n cameno talon = Ue weno fee ¥2 22/2023 Maro DIP/TM.MKNTGME72_Promat n valid fren Mada 2 May to Sunday 4 Sune pine Uso S it 20cExtreme Roof Masta 90 ¢ Weatherguard c Seer eat alow ondord ¢ P perecey > _} + WV ord ab-wecter rmivonre «= US-yeor pradect quolty guarantee 1.2 m Mubtiwall Awning Sy 2} ee bots Seea ee : ates; 431053; 40 16660 1.5 m Multiwoll Avening ans 491655: 4914608 ‘T Golowr: bronae wr clear © UV ered beat rosshont ARCHER a @ Bennett Read IND200 Induction K2.360 ligh-Pressure Cleaner Pressure Washer side wend Mae 5 saooun -t Pewee 145 bor = oui ‘ec = {Inches dt blovorserey lance, eae 9 = “Tape rs er ye 400 ml Tyre Gloss 7 ne aug JT es QS 500 ml Leather Cream — TTT yrs omen 69. 500 ml Mioplae Liquid Cor Posh — 9 . 500 mi Miroplate Liquid Cor Polish t y ¢ fara 59 | 2000 W Heat Gun 180 W 1/3 Sheet Orbital 130 W Rotary Tool with "Neate Sor i Kit “lasea tn peas 17m sable ceesery “ie Sr En Tie a {Cg ry th pe ed (145813 BOSCH 18 V Drill, Toolbox and Accessory Kit Modest O58 180 ‘ides 2.1.5 Ah on bearin, rs tent horger pase Wotton end apiece xeawsery ut wth dll ond verde bn posse ’

Latest specials

5.W Rechargeable LED GU10 or A60 + 36000 hour, 2 New dono SU serge protection fasrsri basee ears) a 650 W Jigsow YS min 900 W ie faa Sander = Gating copocry 65 wn weed. 6 men seal 337078) 1 Aloe: Fabank faesory 166-Piece Tool Kit = 1/8, 78 ond 1/2" toten soko nd ecceaeries REL LLY exes 1 Sop n cameno talon = Ue weno fee ¥2 22/2023 Maro DIP/TM.MKNTGME72_Promat n valid fren Mada 2 May to Sunday 4 Sune pine Uso S it 20cExtreme Roof Masta 90 ¢ Weatherguard c Seer eat alow ondord ¢ P perecey > _} + WV ord ab-wecter rmivonre «= US-yeor pradect quolty guarantee 1.2 m Mubtiwall Awning Sy 2} ee bots Seea ee : ates; 431053; 40 16660 1.5 m Multiwoll Avening ans 491655: 4914608 ‘T Golowr: bronae wr clear © UV ered beat rosshont ARCHER a @ Bennett Read IND200 Induction K2.360 ligh-Pressure Cleaner Pressure Washer side wend Mae 5 saooun -t Pewee 145 bor = oui ‘ec = {Inches dt blovorserey lance, eae 9 = “Tape rs er ye 400 ml Tyre Gloss 7 ne aug JT es QS 500 ml Leather Cream — TTT yrs omen 69. 500 ml Mioplae Liquid Cor Posh — 9 . 500 mi Miroplate Liquid Cor Polish t y ¢ fara 59 | 2000 W Heat Gun 180 W 1/3 Sheet Orbital 130 W Rotary Tool with "Neate Sor i Kit “lasea tn peas 17m sable ceesery “ie Sr En Tie a {Cg ry th pe ed (145813 BOSCH 18 V Drill, Toolbox and Accessory Kit Modest O58 180 ‘ides 2.1.5 Ah on bearin, rs tent horger pase Wotton end apiece xeawsery ut wth dll ond verde bn posse ’

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