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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 22.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 22 May to Sunday 4 June 2023 makro nn cere Cae Co Retell See) tet : ‘ ( 15-Piece Bekaline Stainless Shel Cooke St | SAmsuNG es ae a enero. EIT 13999 soe ot 999 each —— ,~ each a (of [ 4 Com oe a c oon cee ae aie Hommer Drill Kit —— aes ieee SMe deh 13 <i ae " = nesensst 3 AOD 2999 _ - 9999 1699 a s Po Mopone Firepit usbe ee perk Giidea Insta Fr, an WOENSAD issiear Gen @Lc 610 ¢ Side-by-Side Fridge/Freezer * Mode: OCA2S7RL ieaosei TROJAN SAMSUNG SZ icemem SAVE 400 Atlas 520. Power Gym 7 kg/5 kg Wosher/ Chercal orci 29 Zoro 5999 doe conta” 8999 woh am woh (4r0358), och INFLATION BUSTERS SAVE 10000 19999 Save money. Live bette: Y | EH All prices in South African Rands. Teems ond Conditions Apply. 22/2023 Molee OTP/TM. MKNTGMAT2 1

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 22 May to Sunday 4 June 2023 makro nn cere Cae Co Retell See) tet : ‘ ( 15-Piece Bekaline Stainless Shel Cooke St | SAmsuNG es ae a enero. EIT 13999 soe ot 999 each —— ,~ each a (of [ 4 Com oe a c oon cee ae aie Hommer Drill Kit —— aes ieee SMe deh 13 <i ae " = nesensst 3 AOD 2999 _ - 9999 1699 a s Po Mopone Firepit usbe ee perk Giidea Insta Fr, an WOENSAD issiear Gen @Lc 610 ¢ Side-by-Side Fridge/Freezer * Mode: OCA2S7RL ieaosei TROJAN SAMSUNG SZ icemem SAVE 400 Atlas 520. Power Gym 7 kg/5 kg Wosher/ Chercal orci 29 Zoro 5999 doe conta” 8999 woh am woh (4r0358), och INFLATION BUSTERS SAVE 10000 19999 Save money. Live bette: Y | EH All prices in South African Rands. Teems ond Conditions Apply. 22/2023 Molee OTP/TM. MKNTGMAT2 1

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