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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 17.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 4

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 17.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

OPIAMCNDO AMO? laa cles te se 208° “+ VAT 31.30 af 217° tie +VAT 32.61 otplate Double Spiral 51 +VAT 8.48 CHAIR All 43 +VAT 4.56 ETHNIC HAND PAINTED soossu/:20627 spesze Coffee Mi Dinner Plate 90 AND GET YOUR| on HARTI7 (eZ Pot Set 9! Se —— OS _-- 404" “VAT 665 S Se, a a nol oe! 599"... Se Me aE care ier ARUIF Hotplate CLO3 Spiral Sw. Kettle I 23 ott a eS 260" \ ay 199" —— 82 “SWAT 52.17 oD VAT 14.35 ED 03 Tub Oval with: +VAT 4.96 Handle > Assorted golt D> see 60" RASHIDA UTILITY. Box (With Lid +VAT 9.13 Black Only 85It o “+VAT 104.35 sons get CLIC ens} y fAssorted| 260") sam y “ara ‘ PLASTIC } EZ S| Rectangular Bod - a Folding Catering -+VAT 2.09 38 [Glass 2 yable ea Ug, [Tumbler +VAT 3.38) OTIM) 2 Honey Comb Salad Bowl Embossed Assorted 7it 6 z =D > GLASS WILLY) ENGEN nas29% ZOMBIE a gu som ‘mut GRADE BUCKET P \b | : 1° sWs0stTR Assorted i 40" * 1 7) 3 VAT 31.17 varias | Gina, 6" 0 8 | eo | svar 6.18 Awccoewadll if Salad bowl vat 3at srurase | Becin step gt ¥al20 | Basin var 1.30 ne Assorted Assorted 5 Assorted n VASELINE Petroleum Jelly. CLERE a fan oaWN body lotion Lotion ; j 6 dawn) eored) os: 51| gts 130° 34" 64 | 17 svareat |PURiTY VAT 12.98 | Cviriagg ——s¥AT 19.96 |cormos CLERE VAT 20.15 as Se ges J ream. cu ‘Cream Z Roll On 47 -+VAT 2.52, PLAYGIRL Deodorant easy WAVES : Gel Spray = Banded 104 7 RESTORE Plus Oil Moist Spray Hs oe . => 199% ake 4g. 8 3 CHAT OR CALL ON WHATSAPP was 119” 427727163921 +2776 442 8161 42773 340 5080 +27 79 656 3542 “Rip Online shopping =e] A LIOEI isoptus Styling get 13" wut 202 PLUS sa ‘soi isomws BI iSneen sheen Bh On Se 18". fy 10° Ba te Narr ss

Latest specials

OPIAMCNDO AMO? laa cles te se 208° “+ VAT 31.30 af 217° tie +VAT 32.61 otplate Double Spiral 51 +VAT 8.48 CHAIR All 43 +VAT 4.56 ETHNIC HAND PAINTED soossu/:20627 spesze Coffee Mi Dinner Plate 90 AND GET YOUR| on HARTI7 (eZ Pot Set 9! Se —— OS _-- 404" “VAT 665 S Se, a a nol oe! 599"... Se Me aE care ier ARUIF Hotplate CLO3 Spiral Sw. Kettle I 23 ott a eS 260" \ ay 199" —— 82 “SWAT 52.17 oD VAT 14.35 ED 03 Tub Oval with: +VAT 4.96 Handle > Assorted golt D> see 60" RASHIDA UTILITY. Box (With Lid +VAT 9.13 Black Only 85It o “+VAT 104.35 sons get CLIC ens} y fAssorted| 260") sam y “ara ‘ PLASTIC } EZ S| Rectangular Bod - a Folding Catering -+VAT 2.09 38 [Glass 2 yable ea Ug, [Tumbler +VAT 3.38) OTIM) 2 Honey Comb Salad Bowl Embossed Assorted 7it 6 z =D > GLASS WILLY) ENGEN nas29% ZOMBIE a gu som ‘mut GRADE BUCKET P \b | : 1° sWs0stTR Assorted i 40" * 1 7) 3 VAT 31.17 varias | Gina, 6" 0 8 | eo | svar 6.18 Awccoewadll if Salad bowl vat 3at srurase | Becin step gt ¥al20 | Basin var 1.30 ne Assorted Assorted 5 Assorted n VASELINE Petroleum Jelly. CLERE a fan oaWN body lotion Lotion ; j 6 dawn) eored) os: 51| gts 130° 34" 64 | 17 svareat |PURiTY VAT 12.98 | Cviriagg ——s¥AT 19.96 |cormos CLERE VAT 20.15 as Se ges J ream. cu ‘Cream Z Roll On 47 -+VAT 2.52, PLAYGIRL Deodorant easy WAVES : Gel Spray = Banded 104 7 RESTORE Plus Oil Moist Spray Hs oe . => 199% ake 4g. 8 3 CHAT OR CALL ON WHATSAPP was 119” 427727163921 +2776 442 8161 42773 340 5080 +27 79 656 3542 “Rip Online shopping =e] A LIOEI isoptus Styling get 13" wut 202 PLUS sa ‘soi isomws BI iSneen sheen Bh On Se 18". fy 10° Ba te Narr ss

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