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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 17.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 2

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 17.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

TO DOWNLOAD 7Days e-CATELOGUE {| conv 362A 22 CHAPPIES nem Ni cHocmin) = 67" gcc amo ‘Smarties/Tex ‘Only see 22 EB Bo rrxcrre = = BN A yeas SPARLETTA COKE/Sprite a ce see we Tones bt? dee raced | GE corns ys linet 0 i t ; fia SA 28 | son i $3" 103" LA am 73° PEPSI Cold REFRESHHH| 0 rae ere oat a Cold orn on — aA ore ss € sia eae . wun SR SS ; ri thie | OROS Orange! Orange 4 aloes ae ag | oak pa . crag " oo | 51 60 139” 3} 12) 68 Eie/some BO" |iionoenane 80> | Aas ide 130") 29° Beers ‘Stoney Sport Drink ENERGADE REBOOST 9 Cans Onk ssorte eee Assorted = v 5 Assorted Energy Drink sorter ted ; FOP ceuiikce ie ee pein Assorted fe 5 2 | BS 21 i al 38 | ae 42" pitt... 32"| acuene WP 25"... ies 15 tiaut anir E reall ri Fea Stil Bee epee Sraraas | eer sna FRUIT lan sparkling. BONGO lax Assorted 528± 2 Assorted aE 3 - oT Se chocouare/ STRAWBERRY 317 Svwr70 PRINGLES Sat Potato Chi (eo) fected 210" cc 73". | 21" Be ie ei wy BAKERS Tennis Biscuits corted Biscuit 5 chocolate Jungle ‘OATS 151" “a 2259 KeLLoces: JCORNFLAKES. SSmPie= 4 49" BOKOMO WEETBIX ge Ed ace EG: <I Rooibos armor 5 30K, sar i298 STRIPS TEA BAGS PaSey CHOCOLATE | - 271° SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR s22sep SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR] = SELATI i White Sugar wee 185" 33" | 69" st S736 ‘aa CREMORA SELATI WHITE SUGAR. 69 ase" 64 “Var 38.35, B&H White DuRsors EANUT BUTTER 1K SMOOTH BLACK CAT Peanut ‘utter Smooth 120" ae BLACK CAT Peanut Butter Smooth 160° | 102 43° ‘inal ——— cm Seimee BONNITA CREAMLINE sree : LONG LIFE MT clover UHT MILK Milk Full Ura Full, FULL CREAM Cream Cream Mik RASHAD at or CALL +27 72 716 3921 +27 73 340 5080 mR Gover Gra Ful ‘Cream Mik +27 76 442 8161 JIGNESH +27 79 656 3542 +6 He Online shopping =] Fi MAOE Long Life Milk 60 Ha F38

Latest specials

TO DOWNLOAD 7Days e-CATELOGUE {| conv 362A 22 CHAPPIES nem Ni cHocmin) = 67" gcc amo ‘Smarties/Tex ‘Only see 22 EB Bo rrxcrre = = BN A yeas SPARLETTA COKE/Sprite a ce see we Tones bt? dee raced | GE corns ys linet 0 i t ; fia SA 28 | son i $3" 103" LA am 73° PEPSI Cold REFRESHHH| 0 rae ere oat a Cold orn on — aA ore ss € sia eae . wun SR SS ; ri thie | OROS Orange! Orange 4 aloes ae ag | oak pa . crag " oo | 51 60 139” 3} 12) 68 Eie/some BO" |iionoenane 80> | Aas ide 130") 29° Beers ‘Stoney Sport Drink ENERGADE REBOOST 9 Cans Onk ssorte eee Assorted = v 5 Assorted Energy Drink sorter ted ; FOP ceuiikce ie ee pein Assorted fe 5 2 | BS 21 i al 38 | ae 42" pitt... 32"| acuene WP 25"... ies 15 tiaut anir E reall ri Fea Stil Bee epee Sraraas | eer sna FRUIT lan sparkling. BONGO lax Assorted 528± 2 Assorted aE 3 - oT Se chocouare/ STRAWBERRY 317 Svwr70 PRINGLES Sat Potato Chi (eo) fected 210" cc 73". | 21" Be ie ei wy BAKERS Tennis Biscuits corted Biscuit 5 chocolate Jungle ‘OATS 151" “a 2259 KeLLoces: JCORNFLAKES. SSmPie= 4 49" BOKOMO WEETBIX ge Ed ace EG: <I Rooibos armor 5 30K, sar i298 STRIPS TEA BAGS PaSey CHOCOLATE | - 271° SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR s22sep SELATI GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR] = SELATI i White Sugar wee 185" 33" | 69" st S736 ‘aa CREMORA SELATI WHITE SUGAR. 69 ase" 64 “Var 38.35, B&H White DuRsors EANUT BUTTER 1K SMOOTH BLACK CAT Peanut ‘utter Smooth 120" ae BLACK CAT Peanut Butter Smooth 160° | 102 43° ‘inal ——— cm Seimee BONNITA CREAMLINE sree : LONG LIFE MT clover UHT MILK Milk Full Ura Full, FULL CREAM Cream Cream Mik RASHAD at or CALL +27 72 716 3921 +27 73 340 5080 mR Gover Gra Ful ‘Cream Mik +27 76 442 8161 JIGNESH +27 79 656 3542 +6 He Online shopping =] Fi MAOE Long Life Milk 60 Ha F38

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