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Current special Shoprite - Valid from 19.09 to 23.10 - Page nb 6

Special Shoprite 19.09.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

DREAM. BOOK. EXPERIENCE. 2 eS BOOK flights _ From R899 EXPLORE travel packages from R1499 SEND MONEY WITH US! GLOBAL MONEY TRANSFERS barat around the world. SEND MONEY FREE fo) A aa 7 DOMESTIC MONEY Rte Reel) store-to-store within South Africa. ee Mos ero ree eC) Pe aC ery eerie rt sy UR neg Be OT er ed aco) BCC uniesy Te ted elated 'G ShopriteApp « > Cun acd eee eg a eee eter) SON er a ae ee OL) AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES: OK Housegliome

Latest specials

DREAM. BOOK. EXPERIENCE. 2 eS BOOK flights _ From R899 EXPLORE travel packages from R1499 SEND MONEY WITH US! GLOBAL MONEY TRANSFERS barat around the world. SEND MONEY FREE fo) A aa 7 DOMESTIC MONEY Rte Reel) store-to-store within South Africa. ee Mos ero ree eC) Pe aC ery eerie rt sy UR neg Be OT er ed aco) BCC uniesy Te ted elated 'G ShopriteApp « > Cun acd eee eg a eee eter) SON er a ae ee OL) AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES: OK Housegliome

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