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Current special Shoprite - Valid from 19.09 to 23.10 - Page nb 2

Special Shoprite 19.09.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Chat, stream and connect with more data for less. MTN PayAsYouGo Starter Pack 99° Biper value Buy an MTN BozzaGigs LTE Super Value Starter Pack for everywhere you go only 99° and unlock more deals when you recharge in-store ll Save big with the best deals on SA’s best network’ be leT aul hg 7-Day Recharge in-store

Latest specials

Chat, stream and connect with more data for less. MTN PayAsYouGo Starter Pack 99° Biper value Buy an MTN BozzaGigs LTE Super Value Starter Pack for everywhere you go only 99° and unlock more deals when you recharge in-store ll Save big with the best deals on SA’s best network’ be leT aul hg 7-Day Recharge in-store

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