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Current special President Hyper - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.12 to 12.12 - Page nb 5

Special President Hyper 06.12.2022 - 12.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

gp president. me thd 52 Krugersdorp - Fochville - Vaal a) Sorry a ul | sHawpoo poiemend evionflex Shampoo / Conditioner 2x 650ml Toothpaste:- Triple Action 100m! / Active Salts | } Satiskin Shower Gel 2x 400ml Soap Bars 2x 150g Protec" i Lentheric 5 alee) Solo) Cori Men 4 Deodorant =) | Everysun z Sport Vaseline 5 Sunscreen Blue Seal 1 Invisi Spray 50 SPF High “er Roll On Mens /Ladies 2x 50m RY 4 lee Nestle & Nestum =" Baby Cereal Johnson’s aE Add any == Baby Soap ae +° Baby Milk 3x 175g 2x 500g 17 y) each Mortein PowerGard Multi Insect Killer y " Super Value 300m! 42? Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid is 3999 each Personal Touch Washing Powder Sheets Aut 90g Comfort «« Concentrated SES Fabric Conditioner Refill Pouch 2x 800m! 2 ber F i ~ Handy Andy = BE Cream Refill Pouch 750mli ke each Jik Bleach 750ml 800 mi ‘0 (18's) Mr eicrudeate ad Ce ts head ONES MOP esa ear Pe ee eee ee ae

Latest specials

gp president. me thd 52 Krugersdorp - Fochville - Vaal a) Sorry a ul | sHawpoo poiemend evionflex Shampoo / Conditioner 2x 650ml Toothpaste:- Triple Action 100m! / Active Salts | } Satiskin Shower Gel 2x 400ml Soap Bars 2x 150g Protec" i Lentheric 5 alee) Solo) Cori Men 4 Deodorant =) | Everysun z Sport Vaseline 5 Sunscreen Blue Seal 1 Invisi Spray 50 SPF High “er Roll On Mens /Ladies 2x 50m RY 4 lee Nestle & Nestum =" Baby Cereal Johnson’s aE Add any == Baby Soap ae +° Baby Milk 3x 175g 2x 500g 17 y) each Mortein PowerGard Multi Insect Killer y " Super Value 300m! 42? Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid is 3999 each Personal Touch Washing Powder Sheets Aut 90g Comfort «« Concentrated SES Fabric Conditioner Refill Pouch 2x 800m! 2 ber F i ~ Handy Andy = BE Cream Refill Pouch 750mli ke each Jik Bleach 750ml 800 mi ‘0 (18's) Mr eicrudeate ad Ce ts head ONES MOP esa ear Pe ee eee ee ae

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