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Current special President Hyper - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.12 to 12.12 - Page nb 4

Special President Hyper 06.12.2022 - 12.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

resident. — HYPER. Pate ess le Maen Te Er ately Co worth R8-99 LW eo" BUY ANY 2 FOR 56° = Futurelife - ai Smart Food 6 191 1.25kg + 77 s cw Get a Futurelife __ Engergize Meal * won 2601 Rice Krispies Vanilla 2x 400g Maa (= 172 Pineapple Pieces == oe Eresae UsosetS \\ Bazi ines Uo = Flavoured / " ache ; Bliss Dairy "Pieces 440g / Rings 440g / Lae Crush 432g My Soa INTOMATO SAUCE ws TY bs TNS TE INTOMATO SA_ Buy 2FOR us ei 20 00 Nando’ PERL-PER! Ly D ° E Mr Sauce TES Baked Be & Portuguese Bull Brand Marinade / c ° Corned Meat Braai Basting 2x 300g ‘50m! wo ans MOG 4 mm) w noodles ~« | Po SOYA Ser PTD eng € FLAVOUR CUBES FLAVOUR CUBES aie Y me ee As Cage Ez . 4 REET py He Se Cae , Pt 1 Gash I Paris Ee Ueda] Noodle King Eezee Noodles ~~~ Gravies /| Multi Pack hme it Marinades 2.x (5x 65g) | Ocean |} Spice Grinders:- ; Course Sea Salt 340g / © = Canine Cuisine Dog Food 4kg / 5.5kg / 6kg Hinclaven Salt 390g Tr Eaicrata tara eure? GN eis aaa Offers valid from Tuesday 6 December 2022 till Monday 12 December 2022 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C’s apply

Latest specials

resident. — HYPER. Pate ess le Maen Te Er ately Co worth R8-99 LW eo" BUY ANY 2 FOR 56° = Futurelife - ai Smart Food 6 191 1.25kg + 77 s cw Get a Futurelife __ Engergize Meal * won 2601 Rice Krispies Vanilla 2x 400g Maa (= 172 Pineapple Pieces == oe Eresae UsosetS \\ Bazi ines Uo = Flavoured / " ache ; Bliss Dairy "Pieces 440g / Rings 440g / Lae Crush 432g My Soa INTOMATO SAUCE ws TY bs TNS TE INTOMATO SA_ Buy 2FOR us ei 20 00 Nando’ PERL-PER! Ly D ° E Mr Sauce TES Baked Be & Portuguese Bull Brand Marinade / c ° Corned Meat Braai Basting 2x 300g ‘50m! wo ans MOG 4 mm) w noodles ~« | Po SOYA Ser PTD eng € FLAVOUR CUBES FLAVOUR CUBES aie Y me ee As Cage Ez . 4 REET py He Se Cae , Pt 1 Gash I Paris Ee Ueda] Noodle King Eezee Noodles ~~~ Gravies /| Multi Pack hme it Marinades 2.x (5x 65g) | Ocean |} Spice Grinders:- ; Course Sea Salt 340g / © = Canine Cuisine Dog Food 4kg / 5.5kg / 6kg Hinclaven Salt 390g Tr Eaicrata tara eure? GN eis aaa Offers valid from Tuesday 6 December 2022 till Monday 12 December 2022 or while stocks last. Errors & Omissions excepted. T's & C’s apply

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