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makro)) At Makro we're always cheaper by the basket, trolley or bakkie. ‘Any 2 packs for R239 Any 2 packs for R130 Any 5 for R60 Any 3 for R30 (Equates to RT13.50 pack) {equates toR6Sp/pack (EquatestoRIZp/enit {equates to R10 punt) IENR¢ Sparkling Fruit Juice Krush Fruit Juice Blend Smarties, Bar One, Kitkat Chunky, Tex Disco's Biscuits with Flavoured Cream Liquorice Allsorts (Al variants) 12x 350 mt (Alt variants) 6 x 300 mt Kitkat 4-Finger (All Variants) 40-52 g (All variants) 120 g 350g 2 for R120 3 forRI85 Any 4 for R75 for R9! Any 2 for RISO (Equates to R60 p/unit) (Equates to R61S7 p/unit) {Equates to R185 plunit) (Equates to R470 p/unit) (Equates 10875 punt) seg ] o~ eS . YEB>eg , 8 1S cio es a) — ELLOGG! FIVEROSES CLOVER BLACK CAT Vanilla Rice Krispies Tagless Teabags Instant Porridge Creamel Coffee and Tea Creamer Peanut Butter 500g yo2's (altvariants) 1 kg 750g (allvariants) 800 g Any 2 for R125 Any 2 for R90 ir RT (equates toRSS punt) [equates to R62.50 p/unit] [equates to R45 p/unit] { ‘ <8 i LS Ne, a a tee MULETTS nom 183 25kg kg ‘Chicken Range [All variants) 240-280 g € Any 3 for R90, Any 4 for R54 Any 2 for R150 econ eqn nooo peta Any 2 for R240 | | (Equates to R120 p/unit) © opine 21, & f ARIEL i; Onaris | | Omnis Auto Liquid Detergent 2L _—— Washing Pods 21's Ora | | So ORGANICS Hygiene Soap ‘Shampoo or Conditioner (All variants) 775 g (Al variants) 175 g (alt variants)1L CP Cure ee hc) HILL_MKNLCASS86. Terms and conditions apply. For our full disclaimer, please see the back page of this promotion.
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