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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 10

Special Makro 19.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

Yoghurt {All variants) NUTRIDAY Low Fat Smooth Uee DANONE UliraMel Vanilla Custard LANCEWOOD Cheese Loaf LA CHEDDAR YCEWOOD' CLOVER gr Fresh Milk (Full Cream CLOVER Krush Fruit Juice (All variants) eee Cs Die 85 Pa) Td OTe ch] oo ed (Oak dt 18 04/2023 Mokre_Food_Menth End. BEN Promotion valid from Thursday 19 January 2023 lo Wediday 8 February 2023 Cag 1 DANONE PARMALAT ANG LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured LUNG (elo) Mozzarella Loat Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) Milk 22 e@& £225kg (All variants} Nico) era 2s a | oq) Ge) fq) | y= ie ee sie se AP Keown , ‘Ve eo. lee 25a ae : (Cheddar or Gouda) - 900g STORK awe | COVE veal Wee ESKORT RAINEOW Country Spread Tul Mooi River Butter Sal ni F rene ic imply Chicken Viennas Tk Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks 7 eee se ¥ SUREFRESH 18 RAINBOW RAINBOW Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Chicken Livers Tub IQF Mixed Portions NO VAT 800.6 — aie s } RAINBOW Serene , eae cAINBOW. RAINBOW e hot = = on ss | a \ re O Seen | Ss | aGiancowl = 32: iansowl PIEMAN’S Topay NEW ERA NEW ERA Baked Pies Puff Pastry Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs 4009 27kg Sky TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to rec @ you wn Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details Tie alge dorend ong be radopp Slips ted iaion Nekoi ser ln se ts rb cn og ie arin bl oe he en pe en reel apr cs cord lec, csorar pron rence die 21 ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe Towed by BCS 0 ied Cd it =| makro my

Latest specials

Yoghurt {All variants) NUTRIDAY Low Fat Smooth Uee DANONE UliraMel Vanilla Custard LANCEWOOD Cheese Loaf LA CHEDDAR YCEWOOD' CLOVER gr Fresh Milk (Full Cream CLOVER Krush Fruit Juice (All variants) eee Cs Die 85 Pa) Td OTe ch] oo ed (Oak dt 18 04/2023 Mokre_Food_Menth End. BEN Promotion valid from Thursday 19 January 2023 lo Wediday 8 February 2023 Cag 1 DANONE PARMALAT ANG LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured LUNG (elo) Mozzarella Loat Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) Milk 22 e@& £225kg (All variants} Nico) era 2s a | oq) Ge) fq) | y= ie ee sie se AP Keown , ‘Ve eo. lee 25a ae : (Cheddar or Gouda) - 900g STORK awe | COVE veal Wee ESKORT RAINEOW Country Spread Tul Mooi River Butter Sal ni F rene ic imply Chicken Viennas Tk Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks 7 eee se ¥ SUREFRESH 18 RAINBOW RAINBOW Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Chicken Livers Tub IQF Mixed Portions NO VAT 800.6 — aie s } RAINBOW Serene , eae cAINBOW. RAINBOW e hot = = on ss | a \ re O Seen | Ss | aGiancowl = 32: iansowl PIEMAN’S Topay NEW ERA NEW ERA Baked Pies Puff Pastry Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs 4009 27kg Sky TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to rec @ you wn Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details Tie alge dorend ong be radopp Slips ted iaion Nekoi ser ln se ts rb cn og ie arin bl oe he en pe en reel apr cs cord lec, csorar pron rence die 21 ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe Towed by BCS 0 ied Cd it =| makro my

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