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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 9

Special Makro 19.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

DISPRIN CALPOL Extra Strength Paediatric Syrup Tablets {All variants) (MED-LEMON ENO Dispenser = Fruit Salts (Al verons) i has | er BIOPLUS Energy Tonic {All variants) PROTEX Bath Soap } Protex (Al verons) ‘AQUAFRESH Toothpaste (Fresh & Minty, Mild & Minty, Herbal Lemon Min COLGATE Triple Action Toothpaste ‘ RAISE FUNDS FOR YOUR SCHOOL EVERY TIME YOU SHOP AT MAKRO. Link your school on the mCard app and they will earn a percentage of your spend every month. Tawa SATISKIN gy | AXE Bubble Bath Deodorant (Al verions (All variants) 2e /meard, HUGGIES Dry Comfort Nappies Jumbo Pack NIVEA VASELINE Petroleum Jelly UA vrions UL-LETS KOTEX CUDDLERS TWINSAVER Tampons Dispenser Maxi Sanitary Comfort Nappies Value Pack | 2-Ply Facial Tissues Papin tccesemtad — | Pads Soe SRsS ele inves ; tos fs BI ~ cs = ‘bulk pock 56/60/66/76/94/96's s Qiitco ast) Bennett Road Pe Mesa Microave cr Depth FRIDGESTAR Ton 772¢ Sliding i Double Door Fridge tae ines Univa <i b ioe 900 n tocke )| ‘4-Bur 900 Gas ¢Bar ma 1 42¢Elecrc Solo Gas Stove Electric Stove Fridge S08 ches Freezer Microwave Set Yovost a 9 * Neder 81308, ie ee oo oat in 7 04/2023 Makro. Food Month_End.BFN Promation valid from Thursday 19 Janvory 2023 to Wednesday 8 Febroary 2023 “Brey tt dn gn a ay, Sit a ed nl i fi error Sec el oh gd ined el in fy hr okt eid SE Testa ermal com Sc bo ci xo tok ao odie¥ need fo cpanel cunt ice renee Sod cro S rmncietod spec neva one ode chon ba wat gerne te doen he roe poss Haein a eh ol nore canbe ek ec joa ore errs Vo matin ley on aha neplePeron eh Lich Spl green re oh a be are eos, Feb pcs, ny eer pens perry pyre be pk Pry ee makro ma

Latest specials

DISPRIN CALPOL Extra Strength Paediatric Syrup Tablets {All variants) (MED-LEMON ENO Dispenser = Fruit Salts (Al verons) i has | er BIOPLUS Energy Tonic {All variants) PROTEX Bath Soap } Protex (Al verons) ‘AQUAFRESH Toothpaste (Fresh & Minty, Mild & Minty, Herbal Lemon Min COLGATE Triple Action Toothpaste ‘ RAISE FUNDS FOR YOUR SCHOOL EVERY TIME YOU SHOP AT MAKRO. Link your school on the mCard app and they will earn a percentage of your spend every month. Tawa SATISKIN gy | AXE Bubble Bath Deodorant (Al verions (All variants) 2e /meard, HUGGIES Dry Comfort Nappies Jumbo Pack NIVEA VASELINE Petroleum Jelly UA vrions UL-LETS KOTEX CUDDLERS TWINSAVER Tampons Dispenser Maxi Sanitary Comfort Nappies Value Pack | 2-Ply Facial Tissues Papin tccesemtad — | Pads Soe SRsS ele inves ; tos fs BI ~ cs = ‘bulk pock 56/60/66/76/94/96's s Qiitco ast) Bennett Road Pe Mesa Microave cr Depth FRIDGESTAR Ton 772¢ Sliding i Double Door Fridge tae ines Univa <i b ioe 900 n tocke )| ‘4-Bur 900 Gas ¢Bar ma 1 42¢Elecrc Solo Gas Stove Electric Stove Fridge S08 ches Freezer Microwave Set Yovost a 9 * Neder 81308, ie ee oo oat in 7 04/2023 Makro. Food Month_End.BFN Promation valid from Thursday 19 Janvory 2023 to Wednesday 8 Febroary 2023 “Brey tt dn gn a ay, Sit a ed nl i fi error Sec el oh gd ined el in fy hr okt eid SE Testa ermal com Sc bo ci xo tok ao odie¥ need fo cpanel cunt ice renee Sod cro S rmncietod spec neva one ode chon ba wat gerne te doen he roe poss Haein a eh ol nore canbe ek ec joa ore errs Vo matin ley on aha neplePeron eh Lich Spl green re oh a be are eos, Feb pcs, ny eer pens perry pyre be pk Pry ee makro ma

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