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Dis-Chemg@ —- aa ) Jaws, * GbY oiconiha TUESDAY 18 FEBRUARY TO SUNDAY 16 MARCH 2025 * signature lTraver™ |-Size Belted Booster Seat Carbon + Forward facing booster seat ‘suitable for use from approx 35-12 years (100~ 150em) + Quick and secure install with ISOFIX + Guard surround safety" panels add extra layers of 12 years (child height: era ea Side impact protection * 30cm) - {years (0-38k9) + One-hand, 10-posit + lnstall with ISOFDX - + 960 rotation system height adjustable headrest Top Tether for child with ISOFIX and top ‘accommodates growing kids height 76 10sam tether for quick & + 3-psiton autoadiust™ seat (max weight limit 18kg) installation depth for growing logs R2699°%° 999° R3999% WAS R2999°° WAS R4599°° Rito Rubber Wheels Comfy Cruiser Foldable Trike Travel System Into the wild + Stroller suitable from birth 3 + Aojstable telescopic parent ance S-pont safety hamess * Detachable safety round frame + Rear storage basket psdoge 4 Baby Walker Turquoise Mutable forages 642 months (max weight up to 12kg) + 2n- feature doubles as a walker & rocker + 3:position height adjustable seat Pliag O ohnson's Baby Natural Powders 1009/2009/4009 Gentle All Over S Ritiae.. ach Soom Assoted 200cl/Assorea © WAS B49 PHILIPS AVENT - = ae) Cc Basic Single ‘Steam Steriliser sid Electric Breast Waren Express | Pump - + Personalised experience, C + Kis 99.9% of harmful germs 4:4 Seung lve 7 + Sis nes + Comfonabie J = nd convenient for ea Rapid Electric gas.e CS Epes es ee : R45299 Wi “Discount to be deducted at tills JAS R647°° ‘+ Memory setting function Steam Sterilizer R839°%° agearace R109%.. R1099°° WAS R1499°° gid re WAS B142°° WAS R1599°°
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