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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 7

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

(397396) AFRICA TANKS 1000 ¢ Vertical Water Storage Tank + Bilayer BPA fee UV-resistant * 100% food grade white inner layer onlid high-grade moter + Produced under inertek SQP to meet (449980) 2) No Pink No Drink * TO ests per pock * Includes e-usoble test vial * Ideal for woter tanks, boreholes + Ideal for woter tankers, woterreatment (446170) JoJo Tank 2 x e-clips for 480 mm Lid + Ensures your water tonk lid is secure to protect the JoJo 20 ¢ Beverage Tank | UV-resistant ond BPA-free 10-year warranty (392154) }, Water Tank Disinfectant Dispenser hormful water tro of 0 70 toe nd a pol of kag secibrgh Say tos nl dideta Jrnking standards ‘Simple water test to see if water i sofe JoJo Inline Disruptor Filter * Unique Disrptor 5293 PACS Tec { Antincrbil sver ifeds ualty of weer stored + Ropid filrtion _ + Easy to use ‘Filters up to 10 000 ¢ of water * Suitable for use wth our + Eosy insolation vertical, low-profile * Includes clik-on hose fitings Z ‘and slimline water Yonks (392152) —A JoJo First Flush Diverter * Improves quai of harvested roinwater Cie ete met seerineed | flow and directs clean water to you Garden Master 500 ¢ Water Tank a to prevent algae growth $ eal rap ocelot eaes end debi from the roof ond gutter * Integrated pot plant bow with droinoge * Inclodes 20 mm bross top + Rainwater isnot suitable for drinking (903903) AFRICA TANKS 1600 ¢ Vertical Water Storage Tank + 3 layer BPA free UV-resistont + 100% food grade wiite inner layer } + Screw on lid high-grade material ! 7 44/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH._MKNTGM99 Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Ig sam mBewards downoad ond reise onthe Cord wien hol ey hove suc sock ome! enol ‘Sh ofl ro wed change cblin rapes sock o llr yoy oregon ond opel ‘Siorest Res art subject change, Al pes are neo ond scl Revcag, 2t ord bsg end Sonath boig Powered by RS eepleed Co nd ord facal ercer Moar NORGE 36 Subject 0 ted oon, Malo wil have sulin sek p met enipted demand. Stock ofl goa on ofr ited, Malo "Malve shol vey eosonoble elo dconinus fe oir or son ck no enger ovabl: He uns fo of Goods trodes Ws mich Sri coecbupen! meeps rormaien prec wel Sly eons wh lf ec ne be i you by he bak po. Prices exclode gceesoris vied for ploy purpoes ced inde 15% VA f we offer he ek pete advertisment Mossmort Fanci Services (Py Ud son Auheried Financ Sovess Prove FSP Lcrse No. 49726) undetwriton by hut & Federal Rsk Feapcing Maka Cea) ‘Sadoimer “Nerilymasimert pcudes card les, cover proton iayronce ond wrest 20 25%."Toal Report ince cord fos cutomerprotcion imavronce sr wrest ot 20.28% hero wi a some produ peceasom but witbod quoraricng the dicount oh ony advertised ice il opp he vido pro, Saar Sedvidvaly os wel, vide poo, makro # 4 sed on ocean oy. Fees sje change bane on catomer ik pala Repayment pions ste)

Latest specials

(397396) AFRICA TANKS 1000 ¢ Vertical Water Storage Tank + Bilayer BPA fee UV-resistant * 100% food grade white inner layer onlid high-grade moter + Produced under inertek SQP to meet (449980) 2) No Pink No Drink * TO ests per pock * Includes e-usoble test vial * Ideal for woter tanks, boreholes + Ideal for woter tankers, woterreatment (446170) JoJo Tank 2 x e-clips for 480 mm Lid + Ensures your water tonk lid is secure to protect the JoJo 20 ¢ Beverage Tank | UV-resistant ond BPA-free 10-year warranty (392154) }, Water Tank Disinfectant Dispenser hormful water tro of 0 70 toe nd a pol of kag secibrgh Say tos nl dideta Jrnking standards ‘Simple water test to see if water i sofe JoJo Inline Disruptor Filter * Unique Disrptor 5293 PACS Tec { Antincrbil sver ifeds ualty of weer stored + Ropid filrtion _ + Easy to use ‘Filters up to 10 000 ¢ of water * Suitable for use wth our + Eosy insolation vertical, low-profile * Includes clik-on hose fitings Z ‘and slimline water Yonks (392152) —A JoJo First Flush Diverter * Improves quai of harvested roinwater Cie ete met seerineed | flow and directs clean water to you Garden Master 500 ¢ Water Tank a to prevent algae growth $ eal rap ocelot eaes end debi from the roof ond gutter * Integrated pot plant bow with droinoge * Inclodes 20 mm bross top + Rainwater isnot suitable for drinking (903903) AFRICA TANKS 1600 ¢ Vertical Water Storage Tank + 3 layer BPA free UV-resistont + 100% food grade wiite inner layer } + Screw on lid high-grade material ! 7 44/2022 Mokro DTP/ATH._MKNTGM99 Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Ig sam mBewards downoad ond reise onthe Cord wien hol ey hove suc sock ome! enol ‘Sh ofl ro wed change cblin rapes sock o llr yoy oregon ond opel ‘Siorest Res art subject change, Al pes are neo ond scl Revcag, 2t ord bsg end Sonath boig Powered by RS eepleed Co nd ord facal ercer Moar NORGE 36 Subject 0 ted oon, Malo wil have sulin sek p met enipted demand. Stock ofl goa on ofr ited, Malo "Malve shol vey eosonoble elo dconinus fe oir or son ck no enger ovabl: He uns fo of Goods trodes Ws mich Sri coecbupen! meeps rormaien prec wel Sly eons wh lf ec ne be i you by he bak po. Prices exclode gceesoris vied for ploy purpoes ced inde 15% VA f we offer he ek pete advertisment Mossmort Fanci Services (Py Ud son Auheried Financ Sovess Prove FSP Lcrse No. 49726) undetwriton by hut & Federal Rsk Feapcing Maka Cea) ‘Sadoimer “Nerilymasimert pcudes card les, cover proton iayronce ond wrest 20 25%."Toal Report ince cord fos cutomerprotcion imavronce sr wrest ot 20.28% hero wi a some produ peceasom but witbod quoraricng the dicount oh ony advertised ice il opp he vido pro, Saar Sedvidvaly os wel, vide poo, makro # 4 sed on ocean oy. Fees sje change bane on catomer ik pala Repayment pions ste)

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