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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

1 5 kg Ice Maker I 20 ke Ice Maker E Z8C15 Model * Stcinless steel «Ice type: bullet + le type: bullet + Storage bin copociy: 1.8 kg * Cubes per cycle: 12, + 5-year wrranty on the compressor * ee storage copociy: 1.8 kg (308675) Sate momen compre SAVE 300 26 kg Gourmet Ice Maker 50 kg Plumbed-In ce Maker P suass p sh each iypetoe * cep: lear slid blocks leatpe: * Cubes por eye: 30 + aber per oye: 32 + Storage bin 5 kg + Storage bin copociy: 10 kg * 5-year waranty on he compressor * Syear worn on he conpeeior + Available online or instore on request (22511) SAVE 1500 13999 + Aveilable ot selected stores or online (278450) SAVE 2000 EOIN Ratu 80 kg Gourmet Ice Maker 150 kg Plumbedin, SRombedin Commercial Ice Maker * ke pet de $ ‘* Model: SM150 SGalper opie 30 ase * Storage bin: 45 kg + 5-year guarantee onthe compressor + Available online or in-store on request (366488) 250 kg Plumbed-In Commercial SAVE 1000 76999 coch EEN —= Inclides 0 120| 5 44/2022 Makro DTP/ATH_ MKNTGM99._Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Io som mRewards downoad ond reise onthe Cord 119 0 sted imitaon, Melzo wil have sii sock p meet ontcpaed demand. Stock ofl goad on or ited, Malo wa Sorc fey hor lion sods oo esi! enced aos el ne eels oleh beets fe args con ses po ge lane ve cursed gen ‘Srelor we wl ofemp!o bin reseve sock or ole you 0 reorarase nd comporabl gherolve wi som produ gpecheasom but wthoo quorarkcng the dacout/oer fo he cherie fof We ee Sano wero etl ote opin wl Soy aetna oleae des ob pc ay ced ce a cy fee atte "Roser Fences fy Zee i Mon Sil wari ‘te ede ea epg he Gi iar. ““Morhy neon nclaes Card foes, casorer plein isarance ond nkeres! of 70 25%," Repoyer incaes cod fees, casomer pretation insurance gd eres! pe Rts bc onan A ps city ede ph ay vary bd on ea oy Fm ange tno oink pela Repo pons Reahng 24rd bug ond Somauh beg Powered by RCS vegalered Cro ond oohried Foal Sarces Ponda: NCNCP 30/90 aad)

Latest specials

1 5 kg Ice Maker I 20 ke Ice Maker E Z8C15 Model * Stcinless steel «Ice type: bullet + le type: bullet + Storage bin copociy: 1.8 kg * Cubes per cycle: 12, + 5-year wrranty on the compressor * ee storage copociy: 1.8 kg (308675) Sate momen compre SAVE 300 26 kg Gourmet Ice Maker 50 kg Plumbed-In ce Maker P suass p sh each iypetoe * cep: lear slid blocks leatpe: * Cubes por eye: 30 + aber per oye: 32 + Storage bin 5 kg + Storage bin copociy: 10 kg * 5-year waranty on he compressor * Syear worn on he conpeeior + Available online or instore on request (22511) SAVE 1500 13999 + Aveilable ot selected stores or online (278450) SAVE 2000 EOIN Ratu 80 kg Gourmet Ice Maker 150 kg Plumbedin, SRombedin Commercial Ice Maker * ke pet de $ ‘* Model: SM150 SGalper opie 30 ase * Storage bin: 45 kg + 5-year guarantee onthe compressor + Available online or in-store on request (366488) 250 kg Plumbed-In Commercial SAVE 1000 76999 coch EEN —= Inclides 0 120| 5 44/2022 Makro DTP/ATH_ MKNTGM99._Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Io som mRewards downoad ond reise onthe Cord 119 0 sted imitaon, Melzo wil have sii sock p meet ontcpaed demand. Stock ofl goad on or ited, Malo wa Sorc fey hor lion sods oo esi! enced aos el ne eels oleh beets fe args con ses po ge lane ve cursed gen ‘Srelor we wl ofemp!o bin reseve sock or ole you 0 reorarase nd comporabl gherolve wi som produ gpecheasom but wthoo quorarkcng the dacout/oer fo he cherie fof We ee Sano wero etl ote opin wl Soy aetna oleae des ob pc ay ced ce a cy fee atte "Roser Fences fy Zee i Mon Sil wari ‘te ede ea epg he Gi iar. ““Morhy neon nclaes Card foes, casorer plein isarance ond nkeres! of 70 25%," Repoyer incaes cod fees, casomer pretation insurance gd eres! pe Rts bc onan A ps city ede ph ay vary bd on ea oy Fm ange tno oink pela Repo pons Reahng 24rd bug ond Somauh beg Powered by RCS vegalered Cro ond oohried Foal Sarces Ponda: NCNCP 30/90 aad)

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