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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 4

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR 32 PAGES BACK TO SCHOOL BOOKLET e-CATELOGUE soe cont | em MANUSCRIPT 4 eurrensiy —_— LATS pecatrae sone | iTS ey 2k = ‘i i a |e ola 2 : 76 15 10") = 3" | ave 25% |r, 347" le ST. 28": Or etal SOS eae eee 37" QUOTATION FOLDERS | (LABELS 80GSM OXFORD ASSORTED COLOURS. MATH SET ae eee ane —— o = man ny wa 7 | | | mm a) 2 PMLA, mic elles en 1 ‘BROWN ij SHOW FILE ° AS ae Gy ABT sien sath Al ra ae é LL apne PS a = = ae i - — oa sree / sry eRown COLOUR KRAFT wae PRITT BOSTIK Gift Wrap | COVERS ROLL - MARLIN \ ‘ASSORTED | a alee \ BeyCARDED PRESTIK Mann a Ny 2 165"| 11 20" 17" 257 | wemacns 50" | | 50" 112 e = ——— NE “Opts ; Se | Se | Sw ‘a’ Ge | ey | Ey Tneiger | Ber sake sel Le i 4 : | HARTII7} 99 | corn 0s & 21 23 at! eco 186" |anun Harts7 2399" | Corsrnge 999. | fixer 260"... EO 297 | coma gee | aT | sone ears ABtpote — gttAThaas Pot Set Set 37 S/Pan HART HART Ha Hotplate cLo3 Kettle ‘Spiral 1261291 <=> 7 CHAIR All on BUCKET Purpose sorted Black Square 2 i 26 28 — 20 05 | soe 81 ae Fe €G | RASHIDA a7 nn RASHIDA 60" UTILITY’ noe 6 31" 2 nS. zuar7.7 | Salad bow! Unury Basset Party Chair with Lid ‘Box (With Lid) 10x Set aa Assorted Black Only => a ie | i z TOTAL : ; = moron oi soot mun Grae Jonsson Sen. ‘25W350 SUTR SAE 90 : 160" ‘356° ub 18 | aszso 03 | = 55 199” # Handle Tub Oval Basin Step VAT 196 | Sheen Xtreme, Assorted Assorted Assorted soit CLERE oes —, * Hand & a Gay ‘ =f body lotion Loewen ae ‘ 9 = don 256" |... — 86". 93" 9" gg"|_ Saty35*| a 96" 49" BNarear | entry ¥ATSR08 | cory Sutsse | saat | se svariase | CLRE stare ] ha PURITY ream VASELINE \VASELINE /CLERE Body Cream = fe ore Petroleum Petroleum Jy Body cream cee sally 6 Pusvait mn suigto Deodorant sree sorter Gicnee RESTORE Plus Oil allo 7 OnE Pls Ol Mosturing tation =. 681" = 3% ei 1517) on 117° 117° syirtzzs e888 | on 18" |. =| |e el ae a fete BLACK LIKE EASY WAVES v PLUS = ME STEP 2 RELAMER _ RELAXER _— wre ov | soft as ae rood tant LACK GC yak | fi Oil Sheen Double Kn a © = cad | a tat 26 2 ea] n ss 71 poe a 3 8 incr inécro isopws ‘SUPERBLACK ‘Dye Colours ‘Styling get FOR BACK TO SCHOOL ORDERS _ STARTS THURSDAY 08" DECEMBER TO WEDNESDAY 14™ DECEMBER 2022 CHAT OR CALL 4+27727163921 +2776 4428161 a +27 73 3405080 = +27 79 656 3542 & +B 6 Fe Online shopping SE) FV MIOE

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR 32 PAGES BACK TO SCHOOL BOOKLET e-CATELOGUE soe cont | em MANUSCRIPT 4 eurrensiy —_— LATS pecatrae sone | iTS ey 2k = ‘i i a |e ola 2 : 76 15 10") = 3" | ave 25% |r, 347" le ST. 28": Or etal SOS eae eee 37" QUOTATION FOLDERS | (LABELS 80GSM OXFORD ASSORTED COLOURS. MATH SET ae eee ane —— o = man ny wa 7 | | | mm a) 2 PMLA, mic elles en 1 ‘BROWN ij SHOW FILE ° AS ae Gy ABT sien sath Al ra ae é LL apne PS a = = ae i - — oa sree / sry eRown COLOUR KRAFT wae PRITT BOSTIK Gift Wrap | COVERS ROLL - MARLIN \ ‘ASSORTED | a alee \ BeyCARDED PRESTIK Mann a Ny 2 165"| 11 20" 17" 257 | wemacns 50" | | 50" 112 e = ——— NE “Opts ; Se | Se | Sw ‘a’ Ge | ey | Ey Tneiger | Ber sake sel Le i 4 : | HARTII7} 99 | corn 0s & 21 23 at! eco 186" |anun Harts7 2399" | Corsrnge 999. | fixer 260"... EO 297 | coma gee | aT | sone ears ABtpote — gttAThaas Pot Set Set 37 S/Pan HART HART Ha Hotplate cLo3 Kettle ‘Spiral 1261291 <=> 7 CHAIR All on BUCKET Purpose sorted Black Square 2 i 26 28 — 20 05 | soe 81 ae Fe €G | RASHIDA a7 nn RASHIDA 60" UTILITY’ noe 6 31" 2 nS. zuar7.7 | Salad bow! Unury Basset Party Chair with Lid ‘Box (With Lid) 10x Set aa Assorted Black Only => a ie | i z TOTAL : ; = moron oi soot mun Grae Jonsson Sen. ‘25W350 SUTR SAE 90 : 160" ‘356° ub 18 | aszso 03 | = 55 199” # Handle Tub Oval Basin Step VAT 196 | Sheen Xtreme, Assorted Assorted Assorted soit CLERE oes —, * Hand & a Gay ‘ =f body lotion Loewen ae ‘ 9 = don 256" |... — 86". 93" 9" gg"|_ Saty35*| a 96" 49" BNarear | entry ¥ATSR08 | cory Sutsse | saat | se svariase | CLRE stare ] ha PURITY ream VASELINE \VASELINE /CLERE Body Cream = fe ore Petroleum Petroleum Jy Body cream cee sally 6 Pusvait mn suigto Deodorant sree sorter Gicnee RESTORE Plus Oil allo 7 OnE Pls Ol Mosturing tation =. 681" = 3% ei 1517) on 117° 117° syirtzzs e888 | on 18" |. =| |e el ae a fete BLACK LIKE EASY WAVES v PLUS = ME STEP 2 RELAMER _ RELAXER _— wre ov | soft as ae rood tant LACK GC yak | fi Oil Sheen Double Kn a © = cad | a tat 26 2 ea] n ss 71 poe a 3 8 incr inécro isopws ‘SUPERBLACK ‘Dye Colours ‘Styling get FOR BACK TO SCHOOL ORDERS _ STARTS THURSDAY 08" DECEMBER TO WEDNESDAY 14™ DECEMBER 2022 CHAT OR CALL 4+27727163921 +2776 4428161 a +27 73 3405080 = +27 79 656 3542 & +B 6 Fe Online shopping SE) FV MIOE

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