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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 3

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

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SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR PROMOTION MAQ WASHING SUNLIGHT WASHING SURF WASHING SURE WASHING SURF.WASHING | SURF WASHING AQ WASHING on IGHT Was SUNLIGHT WASHING 20511¢ | 540% & ‘te ou MA on se ie os va i a a © Pee . eo " A ee 290"/ 365216417" |237 Sut | suiont 552" E F atl oie ‘OMO WASHING ‘OMO WASHING Sey POWDER. POWDER, 718421 "a suntighr] W2shitg sky el = s ft Washing] pote” eshing Re tend a os i MAQ WASHING | MAQ WASHING POWDER POWDER: Fr 589151 a| (ae Powder vy, Wash Ligue Weed atts. | 66" 180: —— 185") 390° | 52170MG14" 73" Lhe var 17. uf 90 | {80 | bi sw aertase | Serta eee riers: 260" yc ese ide) By = ERE Ban i i LAUNDRY BAR = TaN) 230/723 — d ; nee Be Co sonal =e 1s) BE oa { = Assorted yy "| rooes pomestos | /RPRRR Peder Pawdet __ Sut |e ‘ 7 we ee Bas" 678°] Negeeidae~ a1] 80 Eaa2:| a] 452" 437” ie cs S 1a 2163" | oer . > crise | sunlight Ditiaestng 296 su Handy Andy Mag D/Washing Assorted Liquid! ; 99" 104* VAT 14.99 ewe at & 19* SUNLIGHT comfort | Weyer caro3es DISHWASHING L corte Sort ] pe } JA Conaltioner 361"| fo) 43g"| = 399") A) 313" ae oe ee Bias Be : DETTOL BATH SOAP KIWI SHOE POLISH 62" 417 Eaes99 © ©, © a3 Pus estes oss: GST ne a titty 828 sain 2 1995) aa arivg SUNLIGHT Bath Soap OF PEARLS our cd Holding Gel Bath Soap Bath Soap Bath Soap ase; 2 DOOM BIDE DEATH nm os» | im ssn ae ei MORTEIN| sin FasT KILL FAST KILL DyROACH 5 - insecticide Killer Multi] Blue Biue| Original Original Insecticide Killer} —_— Insect Killer] Death, Death ' ‘ 40" 6 «| «173° xen MINORA p Floor Poksh Kwik 2 Green Only DISPOSABLE = H/CARD. mi | oP pack #1 g 6a| i 24 == 4) 38* 68) 61” 3017) 173"). 126") Dy 125" =~ _svarsso agate |... COMPRAL "VATS.26| Ifihoy evar ase [ENO svat 26.09 | BIOPLUS — +vAT 18.91 RaGarnesn Fr “VAT 18.26 var 13.70 un 106" 153")243" (ey 121" Depeneer energy DARLING DARLING Se 3 >= one ONEMRUON vicKs \VAPORUB - PRE MRO ‘Ombre Braid ‘Acta Plus "Tin Vieks| oes ae reset a is 4 2 oe 64” 110°) 232 aa a ets ‘4° 28 on Bee siesta! Always: Scented & Pe»: _— Be ( DISPRIN Maxi Unscented orn” x sul ed ee = HUGGIES one — te, oily ons Ox pues 68 7 | i 7 ie 88". ee 43. 178" 279" 159" un io & * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON arr vite #2772716 3921 +2776 442 8161 * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI +2773 3405080 +2779 656 3542 nm = -CATELOGUE Gl. 6 =e Saline shoring GEL = EIQ |= : Sa =, G gl

Latest specials

SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR PROMOTION MAQ WASHING SUNLIGHT WASHING SURF WASHING SURE WASHING SURF.WASHING | SURF WASHING AQ WASHING on IGHT Was SUNLIGHT WASHING 20511¢ | 540% & ‘te ou MA on se ie os va i a a © Pee . eo " A ee 290"/ 365216417" |237 Sut | suiont 552" E F atl oie ‘OMO WASHING ‘OMO WASHING Sey POWDER. POWDER, 718421 "a suntighr] W2shitg sky el = s ft Washing] pote” eshing Re tend a os i MAQ WASHING | MAQ WASHING POWDER POWDER: Fr 589151 a| (ae Powder vy, Wash Ligue Weed atts. | 66" 180: —— 185") 390° | 52170MG14" 73" Lhe var 17. uf 90 | {80 | bi sw aertase | Serta eee riers: 260" yc ese ide) By = ERE Ban i i LAUNDRY BAR = TaN) 230/723 — d ; nee Be Co sonal =e 1s) BE oa { = Assorted yy "| rooes pomestos | /RPRRR Peder Pawdet __ Sut |e ‘ 7 we ee Bas" 678°] Negeeidae~ a1] 80 Eaa2:| a] 452" 437” ie cs S 1a 2163" | oer . > crise | sunlight Ditiaestng 296 su Handy Andy Mag D/Washing Assorted Liquid! ; 99" 104* VAT 14.99 ewe at & 19* SUNLIGHT comfort | Weyer caro3es DISHWASHING L corte Sort ] pe } JA Conaltioner 361"| fo) 43g"| = 399") A) 313" ae oe ee Bias Be : DETTOL BATH SOAP KIWI SHOE POLISH 62" 417 Eaes99 © ©, © a3 Pus estes oss: GST ne a titty 828 sain 2 1995) aa arivg SUNLIGHT Bath Soap OF PEARLS our cd Holding Gel Bath Soap Bath Soap Bath Soap ase; 2 DOOM BIDE DEATH nm os» | im ssn ae ei MORTEIN| sin FasT KILL FAST KILL DyROACH 5 - insecticide Killer Multi] Blue Biue| Original Original Insecticide Killer} —_— Insect Killer] Death, Death ' ‘ 40" 6 «| «173° xen MINORA p Floor Poksh Kwik 2 Green Only DISPOSABLE = H/CARD. mi | oP pack #1 g 6a| i 24 == 4) 38* 68) 61” 3017) 173"). 126") Dy 125" =~ _svarsso agate |... COMPRAL "VATS.26| Ifihoy evar ase [ENO svat 26.09 | BIOPLUS — +vAT 18.91 RaGarnesn Fr “VAT 18.26 var 13.70 un 106" 153")243" (ey 121" Depeneer energy DARLING DARLING Se 3 >= one ONEMRUON vicKs \VAPORUB - PRE MRO ‘Ombre Braid ‘Acta Plus "Tin Vieks| oes ae reset a is 4 2 oe 64” 110°) 232 aa a ets ‘4° 28 on Bee siesta! Always: Scented & Pe»: _— Be ( DISPRIN Maxi Unscented orn” x sul ed ee = HUGGIES one — te, oily ons Ox pues 68 7 | i 7 ie 88". ee 43. 178" 279" 159" un io & * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON arr vite #2772716 3921 +2776 442 8161 * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI +2773 3405080 +2779 656 3542 nm = -CATELOGUE Gl. 6 =e Saline shoring GEL = EIQ |= : Sa =, G gl

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