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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.10 to 09.11 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 20.10.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

conch, (Ronee. | Ea sla stato cules ey rol Rit] ox} 245 219 {All variants) (All variants) 48x30 5° as isi re, in bulk pack in bulk pock FRIMAX Thunder Popcorn 52 (All vorionts) 4/239 an ol Usit price 7 Una price vier toocht ae (All variants) ecco bi pork 48 x36 9 St pork BAKERS BAKERS Eet-Sum-Mor Red Label Cream Biscuits Biscuits 5 {All variants) {All variants) Ba 12x 200g 12x 2009 > 21° 15% ea price Us price = Brien BAKERS BAKERS Choice Assorted Biscuits Salticrax Crackers 270 269 12x 200g eyes 22% Unit price MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT, AT A BETTER PRICE. Every month, we bundle deals for you on the things you really need. co 5 1) Ak Fi Pe 2 Alii fia Pon rN oro Aluminium a 5 iAleabracying Panay eee rate | 849 | Stew Pat — seen 108 Pee irs aed fea 999 21 estew pots (157614) 50Âą cD us Piece Cutlery Set * Consists of 36 each tens tal dinner espe + Restaurant qual » (1099 * Plastic cutlery ray kus (272240) COCA-COLA FANTA, SPRITE, POWERADE BROOKES PEPSICOLA Soft Drink STONEY or Sports Drinlc Oros Orange Soft Drink mp Bottles SCHWEPPES SODA isaac aad Squash (ey Bottles” WATER = = i voriants) as Soft cose 80 155 &-. |108.% oe pee eras). fe ow wm 6 1s” i ie ca aon soa oneeeat wept re - rn welt Q a Qo Eo LQUI FRUIT M Ms 9 M AQUELLE Fruit Juice 100% Fruit Juice ‘a 4 Still or Sparkling Water | Flavoured Sparkling 90 90 Fs 3 a anok B ‘Asn Fete Jt i} 90 = 38° or Shea ma |: iis o sx6xs0000 (Al ven) Sxs00m | = = wy “a er ae wl \ 400 5° Ah sa 199 6 37 62 we = into [a whet bought aS {all variants) erieeds whet tn aries ‘ hckpe nb peck 30 x 300 mi neccgon inbule pock in bulk peck L a 1) Zombie Glasses + Size: 320 mi (426675) LJ LJ aise, + Size: 280 mi (426728) 4) Whisky Glasses + Sie: 260 ml (426676)

Latest specials

conch, (Ronee. | Ea sla stato cules ey rol Rit] ox} 245 219 {All variants) (All variants) 48x30 5° as isi re, in bulk pack in bulk pock FRIMAX Thunder Popcorn 52 (All vorionts) 4/239 an ol Usit price 7 Una price vier toocht ae (All variants) ecco bi pork 48 x36 9 St pork BAKERS BAKERS Eet-Sum-Mor Red Label Cream Biscuits Biscuits 5 {All variants) {All variants) Ba 12x 200g 12x 2009 > 21° 15% ea price Us price = Brien BAKERS BAKERS Choice Assorted Biscuits Salticrax Crackers 270 269 12x 200g eyes 22% Unit price MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT, AT A BETTER PRICE. Every month, we bundle deals for you on the things you really need. co 5 1) Ak Fi Pe 2 Alii fia Pon rN oro Aluminium a 5 iAleabracying Panay eee rate | 849 | Stew Pat — seen 108 Pee irs aed fea 999 21 estew pots (157614) 50Âą cD us Piece Cutlery Set * Consists of 36 each tens tal dinner espe + Restaurant qual » (1099 * Plastic cutlery ray kus (272240) COCA-COLA FANTA, SPRITE, POWERADE BROOKES PEPSICOLA Soft Drink STONEY or Sports Drinlc Oros Orange Soft Drink mp Bottles SCHWEPPES SODA isaac aad Squash (ey Bottles” WATER = = i voriants) as Soft cose 80 155 &-. |108.% oe pee eras). fe ow wm 6 1s” i ie ca aon soa oneeeat wept re - rn welt Q a Qo Eo LQUI FRUIT M Ms 9 M AQUELLE Fruit Juice 100% Fruit Juice ‘a 4 Still or Sparkling Water | Flavoured Sparkling 90 90 Fs 3 a anok B ‘Asn Fete Jt i} 90 = 38° or Shea ma |: iis o sx6xs0000 (Al ven) Sxs00m | = = wy “a er ae wl \ 400 5° Ah sa 199 6 37 62 we = into [a whet bought aS {all variants) erieeds whet tn aries ‘ hckpe nb peck 30 x 300 mi neccgon inbule pock in bulk peck L a 1) Zombie Glasses + Size: 320 mi (426675) LJ LJ aise, + Size: 280 mi (426728) 4) Whisky Glasses + Sie: 260 ml (426676)

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