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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.10 to 09.11 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 20.10.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE NESTLE Tex Chocolate Bars | 4-Finger KitKat 329 399 48's CADBURY BEACON 5Star Chocolate Bars TV Bar Chocolate Bars 289 319 {Al orion) CADBURY Lunch Bar {All variants) 40's Col ere ol stole BEACON Nosh Chocolate Bars eS 3% a Meas online when you shop in-store. when you shop at ! CUA ela BEACON HALLS Ba teclt| CHAPPIES YOGUETA or ALDOR sree or ecal Lozenges Maynards Minis Jelly Sweets oe talline ee {All variants) since 130 28 37 (All variants) {All variants) (All variants) 18's 100’s 48's 1 4 72 28 77 tonne re daterce ach vee toa cue MAYNARDS BEACON BEACON MISTER SWEET Wine Gums Rolls Jelly Tots Mini Fizzers Champion Toffees 269 249 a, 45. ira we nia preted 24's Bite moa Toke ad FREE a a ~ 3a ihe ~ ee ee A FF Toaster Flat eer ees a Pleat 1 Polaris 1 eles ip ) ) = EZ vere oto Dinner Plates ne aes Gia Hest hee 249 9.5 ¢ Chafing Dish plus | Sib rrmsy a Sy 3-Piece Kitchen Tool Set Say sass) 229 pc or2peck 3) Octavia Dinner Plates 3) Octavia Side Plates 4499) tenes iasnoas Leach | AB Dyer er2-pock ZIAD er 52 poe ‘43/2022 Mokro_CAP_Food_Month End GAUTENG Volid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022

Latest specials

NESTLE NESTLE Tex Chocolate Bars | 4-Finger KitKat 329 399 48's CADBURY BEACON 5Star Chocolate Bars TV Bar Chocolate Bars 289 319 {Al orion) CADBURY Lunch Bar {All variants) 40's Col ere ol stole BEACON Nosh Chocolate Bars eS 3% a Meas online when you shop in-store. when you shop at ! CUA ela BEACON HALLS Ba teclt| CHAPPIES YOGUETA or ALDOR sree or ecal Lozenges Maynards Minis Jelly Sweets oe talline ee {All variants) since 130 28 37 (All variants) {All variants) (All variants) 18's 100’s 48's 1 4 72 28 77 tonne re daterce ach vee toa cue MAYNARDS BEACON BEACON MISTER SWEET Wine Gums Rolls Jelly Tots Mini Fizzers Champion Toffees 269 249 a, 45. ira we nia preted 24's Bite moa Toke ad FREE a a ~ 3a ihe ~ ee ee A FF Toaster Flat eer ees a Pleat 1 Polaris 1 eles ip ) ) = EZ vere oto Dinner Plates ne aes Gia Hest hee 249 9.5 ¢ Chafing Dish plus | Sib rrmsy a Sy 3-Piece Kitchen Tool Set Say sass) 229 pc or2peck 3) Octavia Dinner Plates 3) Octavia Side Plates 4499) tenes iasnoas Leach | AB Dyer er2-pock ZIAD er 52 poe ‘43/2022 Mokro_CAP_Food_Month End GAUTENG Volid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022

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