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Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria (BE. ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 PY CASH & CARRY SUES YUM ORS Lea a ela OSES SSC eA ST Plastic |Formosa Plastic} Plastic Kitchen Stool |Plastic Plastic Oval Tub be Plastic J Rashida Plastic Basin} Bjastic Basin Black Kids Chair’ | JRope Tub ; a [Deep Rose Basin Chair 1 ivwewe Otima Plastic Plastic Baby Bath Formosa Plastic Square] Formosa Plastic Rectangle] Formosa Plastic — Plastic Washing Basin —— nib = Haste 2 Tone Food Saver 2Tone Food Saver’ 2 Tone Food Saver Round Basin Uiility Bin 2 n ez Formosa Plastic Formosa Plastic Formosa Plastic | Formosa Plastic Elite Plastic Elite Plastic Elite Plastic! Elite Plastic Rectangle Click & Seal} Clip Container Round) Goodies Container J 2 Divison Lunch Box Easy Storer Biscuits Barrell} Clip Lunch Box Lunch Box rT 300m! 99 Bil oe ait _ 600 ag ~ a i os ; e| = Elite Plastic | Formosa Plastic Otima Snap it Otima Snap it Otima} _ Stima Plastic Otima) Otima Food Saver Containers 3 Pes ae pee ane 5 Pes Comb Snack & Go Snap it ac Princess! Quatro oe I ; Lunch) 0 es = - EE Box Formosa Plastic] Formosa Plastic Elite Plastic Otima Elite Plastic Elite Plastic} ~—Qtima Salad jElite Plastic Lunch Box & Lid} 2 Tone Spaghetti Salad Bowl Square Bowl Salad Bowl Premium Bowl + Lid} Snack Bowl Bowl With Lid Salad Bow! : ae] wr SZ Kees Ca >| aw a ae | a Elite a Plastic} Plastic Wine || Otima Juice Bottle’ Otima} Enamel Mug Tone M Plastic ae Cups 6's ' a ann ports @. tke Battle) a Otima Lucci Cup Elite e Plates} Elite Plastic Elite abs & Plastioh ae Plastic) Otima Bucket ‘ Plastic 20's} Party Plates a comainers Pes Veg Noa Fics alt (Cups 5's 5 « nn Trolley 5 <2 ; ee ack Plastic Otima, Otima | Otima Dust Bin,, | Wooden Pegs Basket] ==" Daisy 20's 77 = " Bt Basket Re ae 99} SSN Body . S Shape f 50L S Brush Strap Brush 10's : ~ wa} Hart J7 Pots Tiger Pot Set 4 = am)Pot : en | aa | I ery | alu 99 mh hi 2 ai S @mMsI\00 Chubby Amaclean 35 10 rr wea it0.Piece Pot ] Brush 10's Brush 10's 3009 | Plastic Leaf Rake| Plastic} Budget Broom| Elite} Apolo Broom | 5 Orange Leaf Rake Amaclean||House Hold Broom} —_ Plastic Fitting Plastic Fitting} al 19, Tooth i | } E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash ‘pickup
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