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Chr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria PG )\ ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 v CASH & CARRY Thursday 6th Feb until Wednesday 12th Feb 2025 MOUS STS NCTM TTC aT il- Lil-Lets Essential Pads Lit-lets ‘Always Comtex” Huggies Diapers Lil eas finer Pads} Paar fin oa em had © 6x10 Stay Free| 5 } areper FN a iets 20's Wee Pads} fe | ne Ne a Value Pack [oes 10's ‘a ce So K = 99} Er Cy ; ah ey Baby Panda} Certainty Adult} Sanita Toitet Paper fi Blossom| Denovo Twin Saver Baby Soft} ge rena ! econ Satin Touch Tissue World ri 4 Phy Uorapped ae a wait Ute Toilet Paper Tolle Paper Toilet Pa vers TT | Dey 8's'2 rahe! + (Mares Baby Wet Satin Touch J&d Cherubs Pampers Huggies S}Wipes Wipes : Wipes oss wes Rell Wipes Twin Saver — pactpcece 185 2ply White 9 2ply White he as SS i ; = ase 4 Spies E48 Ges os , | = : at Table Magic Serviettes Twin Saver EverSoft "EverSoft "Face Mask | jaa = ¥ ms fs spares! . ae ese ee 4 “Surgical \ 1008 $3200] Sheets I Infrared i: \ @) Die Thermometer} Bes Etonic Bvt bs Leone pases talent i eee Aquafresh Oral B| Colgate} ___., Colgate} Thermal Paper Thermal Paper) Plastic Bag Black Toothbrush} _ Toothbrush} syssiTooth Brushes} Double Action) Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 Mi Family aga P = i @ 5 = S sifu ah oe || Tray} = sf seq os] Se eam (a aaa = 61"! (7 | ae era] Sar: 8 Ce LY, insta Braail Namibian) jm Morebrite } (cam z jamibian : Heat| Prices] J White | ag Cost: ~ s Tete Lion (Charcoal/| 2>y,.44 Spot Canal 28 ) X-lite Colour Candles} y * lite White 5 uoslas I Briquettes Charcoal/ 6 | Candles ee z 4 Candles 6 Candles} | ova 4 Briquettes vy; eK ET fe reel eserco fi re is ‘ ey zy cy F Gas Serre Aruif Stove Pineware Stove ff piamona ¢ = Nice Cooker 2 Plate Spiral or oF ce: Lion ia G \S oS. Hatches 4 ® ® ev ) eS te - aa tir co Lighters ees Doub! \ Ta = Condere Pineware Pineware Tully) Tuffy Light Foil j Wrap it Foil Cordless | Fagcorded|Kettle Steam Iron i fy Retuse Bags 5 5Mt == Kettle PE 0's ] ac Cordless Sores f os S Pakmed cn Indlovu| Pakmed| Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed le paaBlue Stone ga | Alum Aloes ga Sennal i] , Castor Oil Za i : 12x15g x15 teaiee 5 —Fetmoso ~ | Motoube) ‘Total oi Engen oil] “Heay Pa Faudies Dog Food] —Bootal SAE 40 Dog Food Dog Food Med Soap SAE 40 E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only
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