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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 03.06 to 09.06 - Page nb 10

Special Advance Cash&Carry 03.06.2024 - 09.06.2024

Products in this catalogue

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY 2k tg x gs in ie Powder Maq Washing Powder 1509 x 60's Omo Washing oe AU eros vs WD ; 2 ees 3k 3009 x 6's 3009 x6 3g _ 3009 x 6's 2kgx8's — thgx12's a ys 0 2 " Za I ‘B00 xG's kg x9's kg sky = 6009 x G's 8 3kg Sg Sates TW) Skog thax 9's 6009 x 6's ‘Sunlight Auto| CoM en == Exello wa Exceed 1.89 Washing Powder Bsn Powder mpeoshing Powder a 27K) Execed Fwashing } 9 0 6 ADVANCI f Powder } } Sunlight as nee cxsnseanny J “ a ss "Ty NN J’ pe] Britewash Elangeni Green Bar Waves Britelite Terrettn nr) Green Bar BY=Pe thy x 5 as) Green Bar Green Bar ST es SD Pe SC) 500g x 42's 1259 mes Sualight ZZ. Er M 250g x 84's 1259 x 144's 72509 500g x 36's nese comm |. Suillight F7EY-ys | ee ’ Personal Touch} Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric MBersonal Touch} Mag Fabric Fabric Softener Fabric Softener Softener 2Lt Fabric ‘ Softener Se ( = | a Daily Laundry Soap | Rave Laundry Soap o Softener a Sta Soft Domestos 500m! x 6's aa Fabric} i |g Smart Save Cream/ 4 s Softener} / <=> <=> Bleach A. Bleach g Bleach oa ho ta ws MO Bleach 2L mi 7) mi C = ml x 6's . ars! ia o Chemico} A* Handy Andy a Viva J Maq Dish Washing Liquid] J Maq Dish Washing Liquid] eel re y Smart Save} | Cream Cream| Smart Save Dish 5 5's fem All Purpose} | House Hold e 500 Dish Washing Washing Thunder — Cleaner} |i Cleaner} ae | Liquid , Liquid stor | Eee t 3 ¢ Refill Thunder Pine Gel | Smart Save Pine Gel Gi So Brite Pine Gel — fi00mi x 6's 400m! Sane 50 ws > egg 750m x 5's tse 750ml = 3a ie SLI ees ) Z ig L bl Surf Dish Washing Liquid Jewel | _Mr Muscle em 750ml x 5's Floor Polish ate i ile Chemico ae Cleaning Gel Windolene Le 400m! x 6's Cleaner Drain Cleen Granular 1.5L 7 Selected Glass Duck 4 Variants| (Cleaner Trigger = 1] 5 Dyroach Fast Kill Doom! Insect Killer Insect Killer (@ Insect Killer ~ Ne Omi ' 3 ; d Thao g Rattex EF) Insect titer Insect Killer i Key "Pellets 3 ISA 5 6 3 i - ye || ae 5. = : l Doom| a Debello ‘ im Blue Death Mr Min Pledge | | Rat Glue Air wick mr 9 A’A_ Mutti Surtace | (apy Multi —— Airoma SX Glade Secrets Mothex 5 Cleaner \S Air Freshener we Ar Freshener & Alr Freshener ‘ t )Mothballs}p [E80.e We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to of aaeaTY 1 While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY 2k tg x gs in ie Powder Maq Washing Powder 1509 x 60's Omo Washing oe AU eros vs WD ; 2 ees 3k 3009 x 6's 3009 x6 3g _ 3009 x 6's 2kgx8's — thgx12's a ys 0 2 " Za I ‘B00 xG's kg x9's kg sky = 6009 x G's 8 3kg Sg Sates TW) Skog thax 9's 6009 x 6's ‘Sunlight Auto| CoM en == Exello wa Exceed 1.89 Washing Powder Bsn Powder mpeoshing Powder a 27K) Execed Fwashing } 9 0 6 ADVANCI f Powder } } Sunlight as nee cxsnseanny J “ a ss "Ty NN J’ pe] Britewash Elangeni Green Bar Waves Britelite Terrettn nr) Green Bar BY=Pe thy x 5 as) Green Bar Green Bar ST es SD Pe SC) 500g x 42's 1259 mes Sualight ZZ. Er M 250g x 84's 1259 x 144's 72509 500g x 36's nese comm |. Suillight F7EY-ys | ee ’ Personal Touch} Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric MBersonal Touch} Mag Fabric Fabric Softener Fabric Softener Softener 2Lt Fabric ‘ Softener Se ( = | a Daily Laundry Soap | Rave Laundry Soap o Softener a Sta Soft Domestos 500m! x 6's aa Fabric} i |g Smart Save Cream/ 4 s Softener} / <=> <=> Bleach A. Bleach g Bleach oa ho ta ws MO Bleach 2L mi 7) mi C = ml x 6's . ars! ia o Chemico} A* Handy Andy a Viva J Maq Dish Washing Liquid] J Maq Dish Washing Liquid] eel re y Smart Save} | Cream Cream| Smart Save Dish 5 5's fem All Purpose} | House Hold e 500 Dish Washing Washing Thunder — Cleaner} |i Cleaner} ae | Liquid , Liquid stor | Eee t 3 ¢ Refill Thunder Pine Gel | Smart Save Pine Gel Gi So Brite Pine Gel — fi00mi x 6's 400m! Sane 50 ws > egg 750m x 5's tse 750ml = 3a ie SLI ees ) Z ig L bl Surf Dish Washing Liquid Jewel | _Mr Muscle em 750ml x 5's Floor Polish ate i ile Chemico ae Cleaning Gel Windolene Le 400m! x 6's Cleaner Drain Cleen Granular 1.5L 7 Selected Glass Duck 4 Variants| (Cleaner Trigger = 1] 5 Dyroach Fast Kill Doom! Insect Killer Insect Killer (@ Insect Killer ~ Ne Omi ' 3 ; d Thao g Rattex EF) Insect titer Insect Killer i Key "Pellets 3 ISA 5 6 3 i - ye || ae 5. = : l Doom| a Debello ‘ im Blue Death Mr Min Pledge | | Rat Glue Air wick mr 9 A’A_ Mutti Surtace | (apy Multi —— Airoma SX Glade Secrets Mothex 5 Cleaner \S Air Freshener we Ar Freshener & Alr Freshener ‘ t )Mothballs}p [E80.e We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to of aaeaTY 1 While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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