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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 03.06 to 09.06 - Page nb 13

Special Advance Cash&Carry 03.06.2024 - 09.06.2024

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Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH! & CARRY Monday 3rd June until Sunday 9th June 2024 ECSU SAT aa TG > Lillets Essential Pads] Always Pad Comte Huggies Diapers Hise ellen Panter ible ee ee o - ¥ 3 Tampons | FRM trie Pack Stay Free) fl Ata s] Fan ot Baby By Pads) = sf a Diapers E = : ee Pack " aa > do 5S be ec ral by Baby Panday Certainty Adult Blossom Tissue World | 2en0vo a M/L/XL oor Toilet Paper Toit Paper] Wet peer 1Ply9's —2Ply 185 ae: te =] cy c= Twin Saver Econo 265 98 Zohy Whie <> Toilet Paper he I . oe et ete 2s RollerTowel| Mae Baby wet ote rubs Tolet Paper is jipes ipes keese eta Read 0s zs , ea ; Sanita, | = Sparkle Bhi Magic Serviettes ao | a cor kaa | ot 2s fs: ay ir ouch f : (om: Tie pes | &: z& t Pee oa z T Savion Antiseptic Liquid J Dettol Anti id Aquafresh Oral aT Colgate) Colgate} Thermal Paper Thermal Paperl) Plastic Bag Black f Toothbrush rsthush footh Brushes} [Double Action! Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 00 Family “Wt 6's Ci aby fToothBrush} 100's Bs r ~ ° i i Tray] °,= ae alee Morebrite | Yea Insta Braai my, Fire Lighter} X lite White | pe i ne "=" Costas| Yclite Colour - Pe | Candles ae i Candles 5 Candles oa) a | 12x6's 25: e ‘GASH & CARRY y 5 , fee” i” Tit mun TD: be sare Aruif Stove Pineware Stove ff diamond f Nice Cooker b : é ! ? ae 0-8. = ; Pineware Tuff One Tutly | Tuffy Light Foil Wrap it Foil Pineware Steam Iron Refuse Bags} € gitesere Bags ity a P 5Mt BR Corded Kettle 10s} 15 y P- 4 soyaics Ye apace : cordless ae 20s 5 2 nNY JPrn) a NS fi 9 (eee Indlovu Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed = Lotion) goes — Senna ply am Alum gy Senna | pgzmmay Senna) ED Aly). = “ Leaves| 142x159 Leaves Pops Pakmed C 5g x 12's iia H2 x 159 | eee 12 x 150 i oe | oes anderen coe Seen aneeneeeeennreedamnneneesSeieeeetihcamemmsiaeerenseeei anne s ~~ Tetmosol Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil vee Mie Buddies Dog Food ~ Boblal SAE 40 Dog Fo oe Med Soap SAE 40 sm 40 159 = — Pakmed| Py 1 Surgical Sprit aera Sond \. ADVANGE ove enum — Pee Noe _—__Catmor} Top Cat Cat Food] Boss © S Caring Spirits Cat Food _ E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are a of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last I Cash pickup only

Latest specials

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH! & CARRY Monday 3rd June until Sunday 9th June 2024 ECSU SAT aa TG > Lillets Essential Pads] Always Pad Comte Huggies Diapers Hise ellen Panter ible ee ee o - ¥ 3 Tampons | FRM trie Pack Stay Free) fl Ata s] Fan ot Baby By Pads) = sf a Diapers E = : ee Pack " aa > do 5S be ec ral by Baby Panday Certainty Adult Blossom Tissue World | 2en0vo a M/L/XL oor Toilet Paper Toit Paper] Wet peer 1Ply9's —2Ply 185 ae: te =] cy c= Twin Saver Econo 265 98 Zohy Whie <> Toilet Paper he I . oe et ete 2s RollerTowel| Mae Baby wet ote rubs Tolet Paper is jipes ipes keese eta Read 0s zs , ea ; Sanita, | = Sparkle Bhi Magic Serviettes ao | a cor kaa | ot 2s fs: ay ir ouch f : (om: Tie pes | &: z& t Pee oa z T Savion Antiseptic Liquid J Dettol Anti id Aquafresh Oral aT Colgate) Colgate} Thermal Paper Thermal Paperl) Plastic Bag Black f Toothbrush rsthush footh Brushes} [Double Action! Rolls 57x40 Rolls 80x83 00 Family “Wt 6's Ci aby fToothBrush} 100's Bs r ~ ° i i Tray] °,= ae alee Morebrite | Yea Insta Braai my, Fire Lighter} X lite White | pe i ne "=" Costas| Yclite Colour - Pe | Candles ae i Candles 5 Candles oa) a | 12x6's 25: e ‘GASH & CARRY y 5 , fee” i” Tit mun TD: be sare Aruif Stove Pineware Stove ff diamond f Nice Cooker b : é ! ? ae 0-8. = ; Pineware Tuff One Tutly | Tuffy Light Foil Wrap it Foil Pineware Steam Iron Refuse Bags} € gitesere Bags ity a P 5Mt BR Corded Kettle 10s} 15 y P- 4 soyaics Ye apace : cordless ae 20s 5 2 nNY JPrn) a NS fi 9 (eee Indlovu Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed Pakmed = Lotion) goes — Senna ply am Alum gy Senna | pgzmmay Senna) ED Aly). = “ Leaves| 142x159 Leaves Pops Pakmed C 5g x 12's iia H2 x 159 | eee 12 x 150 i oe | oes anderen coe Seen aneeneeeeennreedamnneneesSeieeeetihcamemmsiaeerenseeei anne s ~~ Tetmosol Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil vee Mie Buddies Dog Food ~ Boblal SAE 40 Dog Fo oe Med Soap SAE 40 sm 40 159 = — Pakmed| Py 1 Surgical Sprit aera Sond \. ADVANGE ove enum — Pee Noe _—__Catmor} Top Cat Cat Food] Boss © S Caring Spirits Cat Food _ E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are a of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last I Cash pickup only

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