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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 24.03 to 06.04 - Page nb 1

Special OK Furniture 24.03.2025 - 06.04.2025

Products in this catalogue

SET Osten R241 x36 Months, OTT151 wa ~~ R568 x 36 Months. Deposit R1200. Total Payable R20421 at 24.50% Int. Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with Water Dispenser H670SIT-WD +4-Year Guarantee wey EUS 272, TELEFUNKEN R ‘oa Poynesose Full HD LED TV 2699 veri TeDD-aoFHD/OF 36 Smartphone Szg0man AA | py tree A) | 3oneto sen sco Hh ES: ya) ESSENSE > as oOonnn ee: Sa tate — 437em 6 be ] a-Piece Emily Comer RAAGG eri Zone — Delt Chaise Lounge Suite with Ottoman Base Set R442 x 36 Months. Deposit R900. * Accessories not included Total Payable R15896 |

Latest specials

SET Osten R241 x36 Months, OTT151 wa ~~ R568 x 36 Months. Deposit R1200. Total Payable R20421 at 24.50% Int. Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with Water Dispenser H670SIT-WD +4-Year Guarantee wey EUS 272, TELEFUNKEN R ‘oa Poynesose Full HD LED TV 2699 veri TeDD-aoFHD/OF 36 Smartphone Szg0man AA | py tree A) | 3oneto sen sco Hh ES: ya) ESSENSE > as oOonnn ee: Sa tate — 437em 6 be ] a-Piece Emily Comer RAAGG eri Zone — Delt Chaise Lounge Suite with Ottoman Base Set R442 x 36 Months. Deposit R900. * Accessories not included Total Payable R15896 |

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