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Current special Makro - Valid from 10.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 10.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

MAQ STA-SOFT AIROMA Wesing EBD - eae age ua icut ag paneer Powder 2kg t READY TO-USE HANDY ANDY MO eae THREE STARS Cleaner Refill Bleach Matches ss {Al varons) (All veri) eee ete ea rare) l 70MO ss | PLEDGE DUCK ‘CATMOR DOOM Multisurface Cleaner or Foaming Bleach Dry Cat Insect Sprays Wood Polish (All voriants) Food {All vorionts) (At eran (Al eran Us/t7skg | (Al vrions) 500 mi GRAND-PA PAMPERS UELEIS eae Headache Powders IONE CN cso nears Fema Feminine Pads N Gua TWINSAVER | ‘STAYFREE Facial Tissues PANADO " NIVEA Tablet Display Panado Body Lotion ‘Maxi Thick Pads Cards or ee (A variant Dispenser ee NOE ‘Panado : g = 1 | COLGATE lux | | Triple Action Toothpaste we | Soap Roll-On eee end Deodorant (Alvarion a x, 9 Y ee 44/48 /52/62/66/76/94's Eric Q ER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 oper rd app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details “gen Rava Sood oem he mgd opp. Sie age ion Ma foe nla ek eel cpl devon Sec oa gods nol sia Nolo wll ene hay Rove ‘en dame opted dong Moko kl wa rn los dare elon son oolong os en incl rch onc we ilo cone sor tile you oreovencle ord comparable clermatve wh he some pod specesions bt whut quranesng te dscoun/ fea the dere produc! tama scar non odvertaemn! x incompllemfrmsion {prot wa wl play onoce tore wi ol the corre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wil only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenaris ved fr dip purpose and inde 15, WEE'Vee ee oe needy ov wel ence’ pes lay tobe nda pes epee steorent oaton Fenced Sten yh ods en horse nce etc reid Pat ee Ne 149725) underwrite by Mut & Federal ik Finonong Mol Cre acinar: "ently mer indus cord few, ond case poeconmorence ond nts ot 20.25% po. "Tal Repayment de ord ines, estomer protein introns end iret f 20.25% po "erst Rakes or sje fo change Al prices or inate ond cca repayment may vory based on acount oc. Fees subject change based on astomer fk pre. Repoymert opons:Revaving, 24-manh budge and 36 month budget. Powered by RCS, «regiered Cred ond ashortad Financial eric Prot NERCP 3B/FSP 448

Latest specials

MAQ STA-SOFT AIROMA Wesing EBD - eae age ua icut ag paneer Powder 2kg t READY TO-USE HANDY ANDY MO eae THREE STARS Cleaner Refill Bleach Matches ss {Al varons) (All veri) eee ete ea rare) l 70MO ss | PLEDGE DUCK ‘CATMOR DOOM Multisurface Cleaner or Foaming Bleach Dry Cat Insect Sprays Wood Polish (All voriants) Food {All vorionts) (At eran (Al eran Us/t7skg | (Al vrions) 500 mi GRAND-PA PAMPERS UELEIS eae Headache Powders IONE CN cso nears Fema Feminine Pads N Gua TWINSAVER | ‘STAYFREE Facial Tissues PANADO " NIVEA Tablet Display Panado Body Lotion ‘Maxi Thick Pads Cards or ee (A variant Dispenser ee NOE ‘Panado : g = 1 | COLGATE lux | | Triple Action Toothpaste we | Soap Roll-On eee end Deodorant (Alvarion a x, 9 Y ee 44/48 /52/62/66/76/94's Eric Q ER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 oper rd app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details “gen Rava Sood oem he mgd opp. Sie age ion Ma foe nla ek eel cpl devon Sec oa gods nol sia Nolo wll ene hay Rove ‘en dame opted dong Moko kl wa rn los dare elon son oolong os en incl rch onc we ilo cone sor tile you oreovencle ord comparable clermatve wh he some pod specesions bt whut quranesng te dscoun/ fea the dere produc! tama scar non odvertaemn! x incompllemfrmsion {prot wa wl play onoce tore wi ol the corre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wil only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenaris ved fr dip purpose and inde 15, WEE'Vee ee oe needy ov wel ence’ pes lay tobe nda pes epee steorent oaton Fenced Sten yh ods en horse nce etc reid Pat ee Ne 149725) underwrite by Mut & Federal ik Finonong Mol Cre acinar: "ently mer indus cord few, ond case poeconmorence ond nts ot 20.25% po. "Tal Repayment de ord ines, estomer protein introns end iret f 20.25% po "erst Rakes or sje fo change Al prices or inate ond cca repayment may vory based on acount oc. Fees subject change based on astomer fk pre. Repoymert opons:Revaving, 24-manh budge and 36 month budget. Powered by RCS, «regiered Cred ond ashortad Financial eric Prot NERCP 3B/FSP 448

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