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Current special Makro - Valid from 10.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 10.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Thursday 10 November to Wednesday 23 November 2022 SUG WHITE \) (erage eae SUGAR te: ml a SS ‘eae i . 2 ! —= PARMALAT WHITE STAR SNOWFLAKE ILLovo ECONO Long Life Milk Super Maize Meal Cake Wheat Flour White Sugar Pilchards in Tomato Sauce (Aton ioe vote iow (NO VAT NO VAT NO VAT CROSSE & BLACKWELL NESTLE BAKERS COCA-COLA, SPRITE, FANTA, STONEY, Tangy Mayonnaise Large Bar One Chocolate Bars Tennis Biscuits SPARLETTA, TWIST or SCHWEPPES (A vain Soft Drink Cans Wives) a omo SUNLIGHT DETTOL Hand Washing Powder Dishwashing Liquid Soap (all vrionts) {UOLSAH| REMOVAL "UIST REMOVAL he Lem LETS BAKE Non-Stick Bakeware (435510) All prices in South African Rands. Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions. 1 48/2022 MSTFDIO Molo. CAP Mid Meth BN

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Thursday 10 November to Wednesday 23 November 2022 SUG WHITE \) (erage eae SUGAR te: ml a SS ‘eae i . 2 ! —= PARMALAT WHITE STAR SNOWFLAKE ILLovo ECONO Long Life Milk Super Maize Meal Cake Wheat Flour White Sugar Pilchards in Tomato Sauce (Aton ioe vote iow (NO VAT NO VAT NO VAT CROSSE & BLACKWELL NESTLE BAKERS COCA-COLA, SPRITE, FANTA, STONEY, Tangy Mayonnaise Large Bar One Chocolate Bars Tennis Biscuits SPARLETTA, TWIST or SCHWEPPES (A vain Soft Drink Cans Wives) a omo SUNLIGHT DETTOL Hand Washing Powder Dishwashing Liquid Soap (all vrionts) {UOLSAH| REMOVAL "UIST REMOVAL he Lem LETS BAKE Non-Stick Bakeware (435510) All prices in South African Rands. Refer to the inside pages for terms and conditions. 1 48/2022 MSTFDIO Molo. CAP Mid Meth BN

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