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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

ge De Ln a Pe 2-Division Atlantic Chaise Couch Accessories not included abo x30 Months Total Payatie 12009 at 2485 nt Daniclia Corner Lounge Suite * Accessories not included P5399 Poo «30 Mont ibd «30 Monta | Total Pate P99 Tata Payable P3069 it mae ht nat ot : 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk Kitchen Scheme * Accessories not included 7 P40 be 30 Months. Total Poyable PEED 24% nt 2-Piece Sophia Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included ALSO ‘Sophia Maxi = AVAILABLE Chest o! Drawers Ste bn ee See r BSc alo Somers ened rea) rete Year Guarantee ate atc aad TUL 137cm Firm Sad rt Mattress 152cm Rest Zone Base Set © 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty P3699 Depost 7270. 180 30 Month, Total Payable P4629 at 2a et ESI bes on PLANT-A-TREE © Z customer cane une ost oe ot roost s13| FY [EEE RE oR TE g P2399 epost P240 * Mattresses, bedding and accessories not included P4699 M SAVE Deco Deco Coffee TV Stand P1899 me P2399 Deg 190 Depot P24 Pods 3 Merit Pda 90 Met. Te Payale Pt Tl yal 2060 monet mane P5899 ees Peta ayaa P7290 at 24% ht * Audiovisual equipment and accessories not included P3399 Deposit 7340 149 x30 Ment. Total Payable 269 24% het 7-Plece Baltimore Dinette Set * Accessories not included Deposit P80. 369 «30 Mont. Total Payae 10690, ata 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite © Base set, bedding and accessories not included ee ceri Year Guaranti Setar tee ‘ eee MORE RESTONIC SYMPHONY BASE SETS ‘91cm P2749, Save P750 107m P2999, Save P1000 137em P3699, Save P1000 RESTONIC 3 Gol ‘152cm Symphony Base Set * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty P3899 deeeren Pitas Total Payable PaB9 at 20% et fr averted we apie wth Botwana cy Al Tes coe depot VAY and ance ngs bt xe mance ad eet rg ues cers ing yD pra of eect hd tan ree noth and tee nor gest poyips bly ace to rae rap sparse a yur etapa Ly yeaa seed tk Ena re rare tas Sar arson Conn ay A pecs cated sr et ve: She yout ary ey ® cheaper at ary other rete, provide a quot o caret catalogue gh srs cere dled ae lope tein nd aril iced Rr [BROADHURST (00267) 393-1011, FRANCISTOWN TATI RIVER: (00267) 241-5835, GABORONE: (00267) 395-7597, KANYE: (00267) Si PILANE CROSSING MALL: 00267) 571-0356, SELEBI PE: (00267) 261-5125, GNANZI. (0267) 650 wo wil refund the dflerence plus 5% ofthe ference. This conditional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Fume ot OK Power Express and Bw period for whch the price tram OK Frnt OK Powe xs ald and no eet Ts flr excises Str Openings, Clears and inte arty es. Products aval ra allan howe deo ot a ange. cs may ot essary be on pan ren Should an et occur er ncemplete forration be pert ths advertisement we wll pay a notre sore wth ale corect des BRAN ‘4, LOBATSE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00267) 533.0638, MAUW: (00267) 686-2068, PALAPYE: (00267) 492-4059. PAU JS]. [yg ¥)5) 53, LETLHAKANE LANDLINES: (00267) 291-0063/201-0061, GABORONE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00287) 318-0868, SEROWE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00257) 454-0010, MOLEPOLOLE: (00267) 590-6601, KASANE (00287) 625-2877, FRANCISTOWN: (00257) 241-7060(8454, HEAD OFFICE: «2711 456-7000, No Dealers allowed. E&OE

Latest specials

ge De Ln a Pe 2-Division Atlantic Chaise Couch Accessories not included abo x30 Months Total Payatie 12009 at 2485 nt Daniclia Corner Lounge Suite * Accessories not included P5399 Poo «30 Mont ibd «30 Monta | Total Pate P99 Tata Payable P3069 it mae ht nat ot : 3-Piece Miami Homestead Double Bunk Kitchen Scheme * Accessories not included 7 P40 be 30 Months. Total Poyable PEED 24% nt 2-Piece Sophia Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included ALSO ‘Sophia Maxi = AVAILABLE Chest o! Drawers Ste bn ee See r BSc alo Somers ened rea) rete Year Guarantee ate atc aad TUL 137cm Firm Sad rt Mattress 152cm Rest Zone Base Set © 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty P3699 Depost 7270. 180 30 Month, Total Payable P4629 at 2a et ESI bes on PLANT-A-TREE © Z customer cane une ost oe ot roost s13| FY [EEE RE oR TE g P2399 epost P240 * Mattresses, bedding and accessories not included P4699 M SAVE Deco Deco Coffee TV Stand P1899 me P2399 Deg 190 Depot P24 Pods 3 Merit Pda 90 Met. Te Payale Pt Tl yal 2060 monet mane P5899 ees Peta ayaa P7290 at 24% ht * Audiovisual equipment and accessories not included P3399 Deposit 7340 149 x30 Ment. Total Payable 269 24% het 7-Plece Baltimore Dinette Set * Accessories not included Deposit P80. 369 «30 Mont. Total Payae 10690, ata 2-Piece Bellona Bedroom Suite © Base set, bedding and accessories not included ee ceri Year Guaranti Setar tee ‘ eee MORE RESTONIC SYMPHONY BASE SETS ‘91cm P2749, Save P750 107m P2999, Save P1000 137em P3699, Save P1000 RESTONIC 3 Gol ‘152cm Symphony Base Set * 1-Year Guarantee Included in a 10-Year Service Warranty P3899 deeeren Pitas Total Payable PaB9 at 20% et fr averted we apie wth Botwana cy Al Tes coe depot VAY and ance ngs bt xe mance ad eet rg ues cers ing yD pra of eect hd tan ree noth and tee nor gest poyips bly ace to rae rap sparse a yur etapa Ly yeaa seed tk Ena re rare tas Sar arson Conn ay A pecs cated sr et ve: She yout ary ey ® cheaper at ary other rete, provide a quot o caret catalogue gh srs cere dled ae lope tein nd aril iced Rr [BROADHURST (00267) 393-1011, FRANCISTOWN TATI RIVER: (00267) 241-5835, GABORONE: (00267) 395-7597, KANYE: (00267) Si PILANE CROSSING MALL: 00267) 571-0356, SELEBI PE: (00267) 261-5125, GNANZI. (0267) 650 wo wil refund the dflerence plus 5% ofthe ference. This conditional on the day ofthe purchase from OK Fume ot OK Power Express and Bw period for whch the price tram OK Frnt OK Powe xs ald and no eet Ts flr excises Str Openings, Clears and inte arty es. Products aval ra allan howe deo ot a ange. cs may ot essary be on pan ren Should an et occur er ncemplete forration be pert ths advertisement we wll pay a notre sore wth ale corect des BRAN ‘4, LOBATSE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00267) 533.0638, MAUW: (00267) 686-2068, PALAPYE: (00267) 492-4059. PAU JS]. [yg ¥)5) 53, LETLHAKANE LANDLINES: (00267) 291-0063/201-0061, GABORONE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00287) 318-0868, SEROWE OK POWER EXPRESS: (00257) 454-0010, MOLEPOLOLE: (00267) 590-6601, KASANE (00287) 625-2877, FRANCISTOWN: (00257) 241-7060(8454, HEAD OFFICE: «2711 456-7000, No Dealers allowed. E&OE

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