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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

4K Smart Digital LED TV S5A6G * 4-Year Guarantee GET A HISENSE 2.0-CHANNEL SOUNDBAR = io <= WHEN YOU BUY THE 55” HISENSE TV 4K | ster us6 | veer fisen: 1" | pousy | ‘sa EXGEO) Gomeca COO sikvworrtH Sra) nay [noe] << paar | 10+ art 2099 Pare. erty ‘oS Erte to) Eat = ℱ P9rad = P2599 = on . ' j P1999 P3999 2h 7 28Coloron Gf) Nic20Kiotevoor (GB/1TB HOD jndows 10 & Office 365 (1-Month Trial) [3350 Intel Celeron Dual-Core * Blut f r MSUNG 5.7" Ci 6.5” E60 Lite 4G/LTE ng £52" C21 Plus 4G/LTE 6.6” Galaxy A13 4G/LTE 4G/LTE Dual Nano SIM Dual Nano siM 9 dual Nano sim 2799 duai Nano sim ‘Smartphone ‘Smartphone Smartphone ‘Smartphone > Edition P 6 Wah Battery ‘May Vary

Latest specials

4K Smart Digital LED TV S5A6G * 4-Year Guarantee GET A HISENSE 2.0-CHANNEL SOUNDBAR = io <= WHEN YOU BUY THE 55” HISENSE TV 4K | ster us6 | veer fisen: 1" | pousy | ‘sa EXGEO) Gomeca COO sikvworrtH Sra) nay [noe] << paar | 10+ art 2099 Pare. erty ‘oS Erte to) Eat = ℱ P9rad = P2599 = on . ' j P1999 P3999 2h 7 28Coloron Gf) Nic20Kiotevoor (GB/1TB HOD jndows 10 & Office 365 (1-Month Trial) [3350 Intel Celeron Dual-Core * Blut f r MSUNG 5.7" Ci 6.5” E60 Lite 4G/LTE ng £52" C21 Plus 4G/LTE 6.6” Galaxy A13 4G/LTE 4G/LTE Dual Nano SIM Dual Nano siM 9 dual Nano sim 2799 duai Nano sim ‘Smartphone ‘Smartphone Smartphone ‘Smartphone > Edition P 6 Wah Battery ‘May Vary

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