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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 7

Special Makro 22.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVLON aires uLLETs STAYEREE TRUST ee i Tompons Dispenser ‘Maxi Thick Pads ‘Studded Condoms Hanging Pack (so ga. Sepe Sue Pa NO VAT (At verter! NO VAT 63) [aale. [rasjn a oo SS ‘VASEUNE ry PROTEX UFEBUOY AQUAFRESH ‘Soop Bars Bath Soop Bars Toothpaste Petroleum Jelly ttt Futaing Cevent rth ay, 6 My Hel ene 130 | io. 76 | 2” 135:| Tf 165.) 2 pln Sientoraht miata tee nich poe when bot Sr oo HEAVY TASK LIST? HEAD TO OUR MONEY CENTRE Makro Money Centres. Pay bills. Buy electricity and airtime. Do money transfers CUDDLERS Comfort Noppies Value Pock 4(an/30/st 144 |

Latest specials

SAVLON aires uLLETs STAYEREE TRUST ee i Tompons Dispenser ‘Maxi Thick Pads ‘Studded Condoms Hanging Pack (so ga. Sepe Sue Pa NO VAT (At verter! NO VAT 63) [aale. [rasjn a oo SS ‘VASEUNE ry PROTEX UFEBUOY AQUAFRESH ‘Soop Bars Bath Soop Bars Toothpaste Petroleum Jelly ttt Futaing Cevent rth ay, 6 My Hel ene 130 | io. 76 | 2” 135:| Tf 165.) 2 pln Sientoraht miata tee nich poe when bot Sr oo HEAVY TASK LIST? HEAD TO OUR MONEY CENTRE Makro Money Centres. Pay bills. Buy electricity and airtime. Do money transfers CUDDLERS Comfort Noppies Value Pock 4(an/30/st 144 |

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