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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 22.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

LUCKY STAR rer ol CT BUA ols os ke 9 LUCKY STAR RHODES KOO Pilchards in Tomato or Cream Style Sweetcorn or Mixed or Curried Vegetable Chokaloko: Chilli Souce NO VAT Whole Kernel Corn in Brine ‘Absent a a £ | 15 1 5 15 Koo THOKOMAN Baked Beons in Tomato Souce Smooth or Crunchie Peanut Butter the 1 ce | 27 ¢ 27 » | 23° CASH 4 y Y eS = ENB ©) capitec BACKS : SF sassa NEDBANK Available in-store. ere es jae Se S56 Ge CEREBOS KNORR RAJAH ROBERTSONS NESTLE Jodated Sea Salt Polybog Aromat Canisters Curry Powder ice Refill, Coramel Treat went oer wont ) 7” AB | 24 KNORR Packet Soup eer eee) oes ery ° . 6° Cash Box: f eae Ste t52n 115 xeon | ora! | bu

Latest specials

LUCKY STAR rer ol CT BUA ols os ke 9 LUCKY STAR RHODES KOO Pilchards in Tomato or Cream Style Sweetcorn or Mixed or Curried Vegetable Chokaloko: Chilli Souce NO VAT Whole Kernel Corn in Brine ‘Absent a a £ | 15 1 5 15 Koo THOKOMAN Baked Beons in Tomato Souce Smooth or Crunchie Peanut Butter the 1 ce | 27 ¢ 27 » | 23° CASH 4 y Y eS = ENB ©) capitec BACKS : SF sassa NEDBANK Available in-store. ere es jae Se S56 Ge CEREBOS KNORR RAJAH ROBERTSONS NESTLE Jodated Sea Salt Polybog Aromat Canisters Curry Powder ice Refill, Coramel Treat went oer wont ) 7” AB | 24 KNORR Packet Soup eer eee) oes ery ° . 6° Cash Box: f eae Ste t52n 115 xeon | ora! | bu

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