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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.09 to 08.09 - Page nb 6

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

Products in this catalogue

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria PY . ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH & CARRY Monday 2nd Sep until Sunday 8th Sep 2024 DSS TORE st aa Tg js Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix | Kelloggs All Bran soo.) Early Morning) Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle} La Italiana — . 800g “7 5 Oats Oats Oats —— UES Munchies| 1 7300 | Bs " 00g WEET py ran [8 i S t ad | Py Cee : Bokomo| Super Sun} White Star Ace Morvite Nestle Nestum| Britannia Pronutro| Instant Instant Instant Instant Cerelac No 1 Milk: 0 Porridge! Porridge ridge Porridge gy 2509 Rusks = i |i! Frisco Coffee Ricoffy = Nescafe] Ace} Tekker Cotfee 125 ” V's Cappuccino} Cottee) == a] a) yt a) lee sina 0's 125g x 16 =o —_" Cappuccino & eCeppucin Ni 25 trea] 20s One rap Teahons Teaspoon Tips|) Glen Teabags TE Zines 4 2esx85 Zyxt ; eats wee 100s x63 a | cass | Trinco Teabags | Nescafe Classic Nestle . 52's 4x6 Strips 20 Frisco — Hot =— Nescafe (aon Chocolate S| sa PR ADVANCE 5 = Savane | $ is E 3 a Eleven O'Clock Rooibos] Freshpak Rooibos .[laagerRoobes,,. | Ginger Tea Green Tea __ z = t —< $s 5 s or (see Cuppal % , Clover | Bye Stips 10s 8 Kreema} > o aa a le a y 75 Ze 7, 7509 c? VU: 2 ce First Choice | ge Parmalatfut Mel Custard Clover} First Clover f ah Custard Mytad —_ Amasi ga Chace Ghee 1 : j Clover) |b ded | 7, Custard a = Sai > le FER Ghee i He oe oy f F200 Farmgate First Choice) <== Ultra Mel Milk == Clover }Clover Parmalat a Milk _ Milk —— Freire iat =, Bonnita| pascem Prisma |Mooiriver Butter_| Cheese Slices ILt x 6 armalat 6 aan : lee aa Mik ; y Mik} ERE) xy 9008 ; 1.5L x Lt x 6's tx s ” \ First Choice! First Choice Margarine ne Sp000 Rama] Sunshine D dite Margarine om r Cheese Slice! Butter tg T Margarine Margarine} Vi Sunchine 0 1KO | ess eg oS oe ale as. al Holsum Fat} Sidi Head Goldi Goldi Rainbow paypreak Gold nebo i fot dl P it Rainbow Country Chicken is Goldi ‘ White 125 zy Cola a ios tae Chicken = ee ee Chicken Som Tack ! 4 Spey 2kg 1QF : Burger — f Pe a ss ines Zs 3kg “RAINBOW ay ole | a =e at Se ae ee = SES Se : E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit fies | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria PY . ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CASH & CARRY Monday 2nd Sep until Sunday 8th Sep 2024 DSS TORE st aa Tg js Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix | Kelloggs All Bran soo.) Early Morning) Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle} La Italiana — . 800g “7 5 Oats Oats Oats —— UES Munchies| 1 7300 | Bs " 00g WEET py ran [8 i S t ad | Py Cee : Bokomo| Super Sun} White Star Ace Morvite Nestle Nestum| Britannia Pronutro| Instant Instant Instant Instant Cerelac No 1 Milk: 0 Porridge! Porridge ridge Porridge gy 2509 Rusks = i |i! Frisco Coffee Ricoffy = Nescafe] Ace} Tekker Cotfee 125 ” V's Cappuccino} Cottee) == a] a) yt a) lee sina 0's 125g x 16 =o —_" Cappuccino & eCeppucin Ni 25 trea] 20s One rap Teahons Teaspoon Tips|) Glen Teabags TE Zines 4 2esx85 Zyxt ; eats wee 100s x63 a | cass | Trinco Teabags | Nescafe Classic Nestle . 52's 4x6 Strips 20 Frisco — Hot =— Nescafe (aon Chocolate S| sa PR ADVANCE 5 = Savane | $ is E 3 a Eleven O'Clock Rooibos] Freshpak Rooibos .[laagerRoobes,,. | Ginger Tea Green Tea __ z = t —< $s 5 s or (see Cuppal % , Clover | Bye Stips 10s 8 Kreema} > o aa a le a y 75 Ze 7, 7509 c? VU: 2 ce First Choice | ge Parmalatfut Mel Custard Clover} First Clover f ah Custard Mytad —_ Amasi ga Chace Ghee 1 : j Clover) |b ded | 7, Custard a = Sai > le FER Ghee i He oe oy f F200 Farmgate First Choice) <== Ultra Mel Milk == Clover }Clover Parmalat a Milk _ Milk —— Freire iat =, Bonnita| pascem Prisma |Mooiriver Butter_| Cheese Slices ILt x 6 armalat 6 aan : lee aa Mik ; y Mik} ERE) xy 9008 ; 1.5L x Lt x 6's tx s ” \ First Choice! First Choice Margarine ne Sp000 Rama] Sunshine D dite Margarine om r Cheese Slice! Butter tg T Margarine Margarine} Vi Sunchine 0 1KO | ess eg oS oe ale as. al Holsum Fat} Sidi Head Goldi Goldi Rainbow paypreak Gold nebo i fot dl P it Rainbow Country Chicken is Goldi ‘ White 125 zy Cola a ios tae Chicken = ee ee Chicken Som Tack ! 4 Spey 2kg 1QF : Burger — f Pe a ss ines Zs 3kg “RAINBOW ay ole | a =e at Se ae ee = SES Se : E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit fies | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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