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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 02.09 to 08.09 - Page nb 2

Special Advance Cash&Carry 02.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

Products in this catalogue

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria OR ) ADVANGE LS ORR ee eure Sue eee) CASH & CARRY Monday 26th Aug until Sunday 1st Sep 2024 USCS STMT aD aT eT somes el = nia eS GCS ILS DC ie Lea LL ace sail // Tecoilcrispa ss a = Impala Maize Ps, Meal a So) ear White Star comes Maize wm Meal Fen '259 a) === = .) 2s ST aS le Flair Pan Rice ee Utort acs Swe lite Rice a Mabela| rs = == a = fi ~~ Coarse kg i fe —-a ioe Lgiitel | : 6 atl ae bee a zl | A cen r q , ; ais Basmati oe Cy Rice wild ; ~ | an q wR laa fee, ie ‘Shakti Bhog __ Power Samp Shaya} SnowFlake Biryani Ce Delite Basmati} } Rice Mabel Self Flair Siene tne » Zi SC White/ Bs Cakel& White} Brown Flour Bread|| ~ Bread k Flour lour }) €s 5kg zig} Be SESE TES ‘ O eeecr Fairy Light Flair Pop corn| Brenco Brenco i Cate Flor eit gauen's 125 aie Four ' Seeds) juz Green ( PR : ) 000 Split Peas os : yizouy | \ SSveNce f Nene” pe xh — gorau BreNco Brenco} , en ee —~ ‘Red Lentils ‘Soup Mix : (®) ®)|(® Bie) Ol aw EE \ wens) | \ rts, &) a Le iit yr ~N E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

Cnr Moot Street & Eskia Mphalele Dr, Hermanstad, Pretoria OR ) ADVANGE LS ORR ee eure Sue eee) CASH & CARRY Monday 26th Aug until Sunday 1st Sep 2024 USCS STMT aD aT eT somes el = nia eS GCS ILS DC ie Lea LL ace sail // Tecoilcrispa ss a = Impala Maize Ps, Meal a So) ear White Star comes Maize wm Meal Fen '259 a) === = .) 2s ST aS le Flair Pan Rice ee Utort acs Swe lite Rice a Mabela| rs = == a = fi ~~ Coarse kg i fe —-a ioe Lgiitel | : 6 atl ae bee a zl | A cen r q , ; ais Basmati oe Cy Rice wild ; ~ | an q wR laa fee, ie ‘Shakti Bhog __ Power Samp Shaya} SnowFlake Biryani Ce Delite Basmati} } Rice Mabel Self Flair Siene tne » Zi SC White/ Bs Cakel& White} Brown Flour Bread|| ~ Bread k Flour lour }) €s 5kg zig} Be SESE TES ‘ O eeecr Fairy Light Flair Pop corn| Brenco Brenco i Cate Flor eit gauen's 125 aie Four ' Seeds) juz Green ( PR : ) 000 Split Peas os : yizouy | \ SSveNce f Nene” pe xh — gorau BreNco Brenco} , en ee —~ ‘Red Lentils ‘Soup Mix : (®) ®)|(® Bie) Ol aw EE \ wens) | \ rts, &) a Le iit yr ~N E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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