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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.11 to 24.12 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 06.11.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

RK TV. iN ‘Samaung Neo GLED BK isthe finest TV with an ultimately immersive viewing experience. Quontum Mini LED provides the greatest picture quality ever, the renewed All-in-one Smart Hub offers the optimised smart experience, ond even a net level Dolby Atmos experience is ready for you! SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart Neo 4K QLED TV + Model: QABSGN9OBAKXXA * Resolution: 3840 x 2160 HOME: 4 USB: 2 «4K RES + Minimel Glare * Motion Xeelerator Trbo * Avolble in selected stores or online (445157) Why Neo QLED Dynamic contrast for vivid colours that jump off the screen ‘Quantum HOR 24% perece by docporing Neo Quantum Processor 4K Sapsin’ power quorum proceso wih dep ering reese mos preci ond aa vane nage Sanwa a "Ai epcting soars you coy gl _Og a, enka The dynamic tone mopping of HDRIOs allows elu nd conto shih ond od Fak resco The Freestyle Change the way you play 4K @1 20H * Maton Xelertor arb Pro {FreeSync Premio Pro ich, ect leur ond deeper contr et you noice rip deal ond SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart Neo 8K QLED TV + Mod QRESON7OOBOXA ‘Reson 7600 £320 Showa usesuseet 1 ea resoton SCAN CODE ire ONION a CNN eens + Super UteaWide GomeView 32:9) *Gome Bor + Ao low Loency Made (LLM) SAMSUNG 139 cm (55”) Smart Neo 4K QLED TV + Model: QASSGN9OBAKXXA + Resolution: 3840 x 2160 HOME 4 USB: 2 » 4K RES + Minimal glare * Motion XeloratorTrbo * Available in selected stores or ooking (430254) Abillion shades of colour with Quantum Dot 100% Colour Volume with Quantum Dot venom Bet chlogy divertor pare ee Wt Colour Vlame 100, Quon Dot hes Taft ond rm nto brealing lou hs ay eo ny olf brighvas "100% Calor Velumemoniadn Mae Mode ond ha DIPS esau pce, cried by VDE scone ene, SAMSUNG The, he Freestyle Vi Viewer Nadel SPASP + Resolution: 1920 x 1080 * 550 LED Lumen (7191) Dsty NCWA unzzadinn Seeana 4K Ultra HD Android TV Android TV Box nas waver ito ™M Ea CrCl} crCiy Polaroid @ic 10” Bluetooth Trolley 2.0 Channel 300 WwW CD Mini Hi-Fi ee 2,9 Change! 300 Wi Speaker, + Seteh de Seone wanes? eer wired microphone ion Reader 2 [MKNTGM126 46/2022 Mokro DTP/TM Promotion valid from Sunday & November to Saturday 24 December 2022 GARMIN. ONENAV Drive 52MT-S. Classic Universal Sela cw etan Star a Box aig einen nom Sth eh theme ope 9.1 Soundbar and Sub Woofer = §20\W Output power» Ula HD 4K Pass-through 2.1 Channel Soundbar * Model: OH4180 ‘+ Chromecost ond AirPlay 2 built-in 2, «Sete sdeael Se orc * hvolole in selec sores or online 4282780) irae

Latest specials

RK TV. iN ‘Samaung Neo GLED BK isthe finest TV with an ultimately immersive viewing experience. Quontum Mini LED provides the greatest picture quality ever, the renewed All-in-one Smart Hub offers the optimised smart experience, ond even a net level Dolby Atmos experience is ready for you! SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart Neo 4K QLED TV + Model: QABSGN9OBAKXXA * Resolution: 3840 x 2160 HOME: 4 USB: 2 «4K RES + Minimel Glare * Motion Xeelerator Trbo * Avolble in selected stores or online (445157) Why Neo QLED Dynamic contrast for vivid colours that jump off the screen ‘Quantum HOR 24% perece by docporing Neo Quantum Processor 4K Sapsin’ power quorum proceso wih dep ering reese mos preci ond aa vane nage Sanwa a "Ai epcting soars you coy gl _Og a, enka The dynamic tone mopping of HDRIOs allows elu nd conto shih ond od Fak resco The Freestyle Change the way you play 4K @1 20H * Maton Xelertor arb Pro {FreeSync Premio Pro ich, ect leur ond deeper contr et you noice rip deal ond SAMSUNG 165 cm (65”) Smart Neo 8K QLED TV + Mod QRESON7OOBOXA ‘Reson 7600 £320 Showa usesuseet 1 ea resoton SCAN CODE ire ONION a CNN eens + Super UteaWide GomeView 32:9) *Gome Bor + Ao low Loency Made (LLM) SAMSUNG 139 cm (55”) Smart Neo 4K QLED TV + Model: QASSGN9OBAKXXA + Resolution: 3840 x 2160 HOME 4 USB: 2 » 4K RES + Minimal glare * Motion XeloratorTrbo * Available in selected stores or ooking (430254) Abillion shades of colour with Quantum Dot 100% Colour Volume with Quantum Dot venom Bet chlogy divertor pare ee Wt Colour Vlame 100, Quon Dot hes Taft ond rm nto brealing lou hs ay eo ny olf brighvas "100% Calor Velumemoniadn Mae Mode ond ha DIPS esau pce, cried by VDE scone ene, SAMSUNG The, he Freestyle Vi Viewer Nadel SPASP + Resolution: 1920 x 1080 * 550 LED Lumen (7191) Dsty NCWA unzzadinn Seeana 4K Ultra HD Android TV Android TV Box nas waver ito ™M Ea CrCl} crCiy Polaroid @ic 10” Bluetooth Trolley 2.0 Channel 300 WwW CD Mini Hi-Fi ee 2,9 Change! 300 Wi Speaker, + Seteh de Seone wanes? eer wired microphone ion Reader 2 [MKNTGM126 46/2022 Mokro DTP/TM Promotion valid from Sunday & November to Saturday 24 December 2022 GARMIN. ONENAV Drive 52MT-S. Classic Universal Sela cw etan Star a Box aig einen nom Sth eh theme ope 9.1 Soundbar and Sub Woofer = §20\W Output power» Ula HD 4K Pass-through 2.1 Channel Soundbar * Model: OH4180 ‘+ Chromecost ond AirPlay 2 built-in 2, «Sete sdeael Se orc * hvolole in selec sores or online 4282780) irae

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