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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Arcoroc Arcoroc Stairo Rice Stairo Salad Bowls Bowls £270 mm «Fully tempered opaine gloss '* 120 mm (348547) '* Highly durable ond extra-resistant —_——__—___— '* Suitable for commercial and professional use Stairo Noodle Bowls (3454) 180 mm (348548) [aaled d Pare oper TVD per apeck aca Stairo Dessert Bowls +160 mm (348545) TID per t-pck Sapp Reele etrtnt : + Stell for coment and profesonal te acess Cres Le pees u cas Continental 1) Blanco Dinner Blanco Dessert Bowls | 339 | Plates +160 mm (265994) Ee ee Blanco Side Plates | 369 | «20mm 2454s) 229 perp Octavia Side Plates Gntinental per 6-pack +200 mm (252022) ZA pr pock Stairo Oval Platter 2) Octavia or Polaris Polaris Soup/Cereal Bowls * 200 mm » Fully tempered Dinner Plates 489 + 100 mm (265995) ABD per pack «iy da ond xt isn cannery SO eel “avg “ond pelea 340850) ane a pot ps2 fe Grtinental a = Cafe Cappuccino Cups ‘ ; tine “ Cicuited ++ 300 mi (64178) —& _ Stacking Cup Seer 2. ~ and Saucers 280 ml Blanco pry 2000 Stacking Mugs Mugs Pe SIGE ‘+ 280 ml (20989) ‘+ 340 mi (39990) ee Espresso Cups +80 m1 293118) 279 pers peck Cafe Cappuccino Saucers «+ size: 16m 71965) 289 per b-pack | l E x H fs Ee ‘ARO ARO EEC 1-Plyservienes (CIO 2-Ply Roller paperservieties (all variants) rolleiosaeses Towels White 200's As towels _roller vem towels GQ 5 44 2022 Mokro_CAP_MKNIGM88. Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Ig can nerds downlod ond roger on the nord op. Subject 0 sted lntton, Malo wil howe sient sock p met ania demand. Sock of gods on fers ited. Molo wei gure hot hey hoe slice soc mee onigjpcied dena Maio shallow eoranalo flo 9 daconnue ofl gs son doch ro ange valle we rv ot foc of goods ‘nef, we wil congo obi reserve sock or or yoyo Terenble ond conporaieelrrte wih he some red apechconons bat wth! guerening he dicout/oer he chee Spb iyo oy be pec Poem sehly corte neler Dlg pps cod de SEAL, Hn ler he pcs Echtody cs wo, ence pcr alee he ead pede Ppt he bata Resnas Franc Svcs Ty td san Arbon Focneal Seress Peder FF Lense Ns 29738 anderen by Nene 8 Fedo] Bak cng, Make Ged Shore. “Aerily nscort cas cad Ios, coter proc irons nd eso 2025 Tol Rope ineescod fe, comer protein insurance ae mest of 20.25% ‘Sipe Shes Sane aT we ee neo wr ea yy bast on een ee abe nel Cv eione a falc Noon oe Reva Heme beh on ah bl Remedy ES oop Cc cod edhe on Sever Rorder NOR FO aad =

Latest specials

Arcoroc Arcoroc Stairo Rice Stairo Salad Bowls Bowls £270 mm «Fully tempered opaine gloss '* 120 mm (348547) '* Highly durable ond extra-resistant —_——__—___— '* Suitable for commercial and professional use Stairo Noodle Bowls (3454) 180 mm (348548) [aaled d Pare oper TVD per apeck aca Stairo Dessert Bowls +160 mm (348545) TID per t-pck Sapp Reele etrtnt : + Stell for coment and profesonal te acess Cres Le pees u cas Continental 1) Blanco Dinner Blanco Dessert Bowls | 339 | Plates +160 mm (265994) Ee ee Blanco Side Plates | 369 | «20mm 2454s) 229 perp Octavia Side Plates Gntinental per 6-pack +200 mm (252022) ZA pr pock Stairo Oval Platter 2) Octavia or Polaris Polaris Soup/Cereal Bowls * 200 mm » Fully tempered Dinner Plates 489 + 100 mm (265995) ABD per pack «iy da ond xt isn cannery SO eel “avg “ond pelea 340850) ane a pot ps2 fe Grtinental a = Cafe Cappuccino Cups ‘ ; tine “ Cicuited ++ 300 mi (64178) —& _ Stacking Cup Seer 2. ~ and Saucers 280 ml Blanco pry 2000 Stacking Mugs Mugs Pe SIGE ‘+ 280 ml (20989) ‘+ 340 mi (39990) ee Espresso Cups +80 m1 293118) 279 pers peck Cafe Cappuccino Saucers «+ size: 16m 71965) 289 per b-pack | l E x H fs Ee ‘ARO ARO EEC 1-Plyservienes (CIO 2-Ply Roller paperservieties (all variants) rolleiosaeses Towels White 200's As towels _roller vem towels GQ 5 44 2022 Mokro_CAP_MKNIGM88. Promotion valid from Monday 24 October to Sunday 6 November 2022 “Ig can nerds downlod ond roger on the nord op. Subject 0 sted lntton, Malo wil howe sient sock p met ania demand. Sock of gods on fers ited. Molo wei gure hot hey hoe slice soc mee onigjpcied dena Maio shallow eoranalo flo 9 daconnue ofl gs son doch ro ange valle we rv ot foc of goods ‘nef, we wil congo obi reserve sock or or yoyo Terenble ond conporaieelrrte wih he some red apechconons bat wth! guerening he dicout/oer he chee Spb iyo oy be pec Poem sehly corte neler Dlg pps cod de SEAL, Hn ler he pcs Echtody cs wo, ence pcr alee he ead pede Ppt he bata Resnas Franc Svcs Ty td san Arbon Focneal Seress Peder FF Lense Ns 29738 anderen by Nene 8 Fedo] Bak cng, Make Ged Shore. “Aerily nscort cas cad Ios, coter proc irons nd eso 2025 Tol Rope ineescod fe, comer protein insurance ae mest of 20.25% ‘Sipe Shes Sane aT we ee neo wr ea yy bast on een ee abe nel Cv eione a falc Noon oe Reva Heme beh on ah bl Remedy ES oop Cc cod edhe on Sever Rorder NOR FO aad =

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