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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 21.11 to 04.12 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 21.11.2022 - 04.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

13500. 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite x24 Months. e Base set, bedding and R082 Monts, © Base set, bedding and accessories not included accessories not included NS1299: Deposit NS350. Deposit NS130, NS169 x 24 Months. NSB9 x 24 Months. 120cm vita NS17991 Deposit NS180, 1NSB9 x 24 Months. vita v v Orlando Robe aula aah 91cm Firm 137cm Firm ‘Support ‘Support Foam Mattress Foam Mattress 152cm Mkuze plow /-Top Deposit NS650. = 1NS299 x 24 Months. 4 SAVE "S1699 F750) 03 SAVE "2349 F501 SAVE "$3349 FS 0) 03 NS7499 452cm Nature's NSg499 483m Health Rest Base Set NSg999 483cm Chiro-Zone Base Set Rest Base Set ees ° 1-Year Guarantee Included 7 + 2-Year Guarantee Included Deets *1-Yeor Guerentse, Reaeve Stiontis, i. a 10-Year Service Warranty PefestNSit00. in a 40-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty Ns4A„ Save NS 1200 NS4905, Save NS 1349 52cm Base Set 137cm Base Set 152cm Base Set NS8499, Save NS1699 NS5999, Save NS1649 NS6499, Save NS1699 Hl : SON RCs CR IRTESSE) OFFERS VALIO FROM 21 NOVEMBER — 4 DECEMBER 2022, WIL Prices advertised ae applicable within Namibia only All Terms include deposi, VAT and finance charges, but exclu insurance and delvery charges unless otherwise stated. Bring you ID, proof of residence (otc than three months) and three moths’ & latest payslps/satry advice to encase rapid response to your credit application. Lay-by available cr selected stock. Enqure i-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply Al products indicated in les are in nett vale. Should you fd any menace eo sot ee nameless eensanne: Miscnaeamieayatepecenten hetero pees eee isin ae Se ec od ore Re com nate Ss gpa ee eo od 3 E Sipersncamatvematant is aeeupn uaqupmmeaowancearen tere wenn aaueseiae miners nem tite etie es ena eer aguas is sc ce percent sek Sen scar neem speeds eames ener aa see a SNe ea BLS Some as Ne ann seca pon Sask rs aa ee er am sea ‘OSHAKATE (002) 6 22454, OSHIKANGO: (00254) 5 265353, OT AWARONGO: (00264) 67 04731, OUTAPE 0064) 65 251462, REHOBOTH 0064 625230, RIND TZE4) 66 255156, SMAROPMUND (00264) 64461728, TSuMEB:cnac4) «7221516, H TO] =4 1 wm] = 4 \WALMS BAY: (00264) 64200187 WINOMOEK (00264) 61259531, MARENTAL: 00264) 63242060, HEAD OFFICE: +2711 458 700. No Dealers alowed ESOE

Latest specials

13500. 3-Piece Nicole Bedroom Suite 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite x24 Months. e Base set, bedding and R082 Monts, © Base set, bedding and accessories not included accessories not included NS1299: Deposit NS350. Deposit NS130, NS169 x 24 Months. NSB9 x 24 Months. 120cm vita NS17991 Deposit NS180, 1NSB9 x 24 Months. vita v v Orlando Robe aula aah 91cm Firm 137cm Firm ‘Support ‘Support Foam Mattress Foam Mattress 152cm Mkuze plow /-Top Deposit NS650. = 1NS299 x 24 Months. 4 SAVE "S1699 F750) 03 SAVE "2349 F501 SAVE "$3349 FS 0) 03 NS7499 452cm Nature's NSg499 483m Health Rest Base Set NSg999 483cm Chiro-Zone Base Set Rest Base Set ees ° 1-Year Guarantee Included 7 + 2-Year Guarantee Included Deets *1-Yeor Guerentse, Reaeve Stiontis, i. a 10-Year Service Warranty PefestNSit00. in a 40-Year Service Warranty Service Warranty Ns4A„ Save NS 1200 NS4905, Save NS 1349 52cm Base Set 137cm Base Set 152cm Base Set NS8499, Save NS1699 NS5999, Save NS1649 NS6499, Save NS1699 Hl : SON RCs CR IRTESSE) OFFERS VALIO FROM 21 NOVEMBER — 4 DECEMBER 2022, WIL Prices advertised ae applicable within Namibia only All Terms include deposi, VAT and finance charges, but exclu insurance and delvery charges unless otherwise stated. Bring you ID, proof of residence (otc than three months) and three moths’ & latest payslps/satry advice to encase rapid response to your credit application. Lay-by available cr selected stock. Enqure i-store for more details. Standard Terms and Conditions apply Al products indicated in les are in nett vale. Should you fd any menace eo sot ee nameless eensanne: Miscnaeamieayatepecenten hetero pees eee isin ae Se ec od ore Re com nate Ss gpa ee eo od 3 E Sipersncamatvematant is aeeupn uaqupmmeaowancearen tere wenn aaueseiae miners nem tite etie es ena eer aguas is sc ce percent sek Sen scar neem speeds eames ener aa see a SNe ea BLS Some as Ne ann seca pon Sask rs aa ee er am sea ‘OSHAKATE (002) 6 22454, OSHIKANGO: (00254) 5 265353, OT AWARONGO: (00264) 67 04731, OUTAPE 0064) 65 251462, REHOBOTH 0064 625230, RIND TZE4) 66 255156, SMAROPMUND (00264) 64461728, TSuMEB:cnac4) «7221516, H TO] =4 1 wm] = 4 \WALMS BAY: (00264) 64200187 WINOMOEK (00264) 61259531, MARENTAL: 00264) 63242060, HEAD OFFICE: +2711 458 700. No Dealers alowed ESOE

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