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Current special Makro - Valid from 01.01 to 15.01 - Page nb 9

Special Makro 01.01.2023 - 15.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 100 ARE ial ia RYOBI 125 cc 4-Stroke Petrol Lawnmower + ang wah em al cating hight 7 poston iasezao, SAVE 200 @zopi1ac MX6 Automatic SAVE 100 2 eee 2499 + Wet deonag wal ond fos i Ee BUY BOTH FOR R2199 terraceicisure terracelcisure Saturn 530 Gas Braai Gorevenes Redledig Chote" 1) 56 em Titan 320 ‘edi: postions Kettle Broa * Cost iron cooking grotes cd +* Includes thermometer on lid (435483) o Et pres) tinge (381209) s7i9e2) D2 2D a SAVE 200 he each cee 2) 56 cm Kettle 4 Braai Cover (430656) 349 cas Bestway, _— bn Family Cabin 490 Tent gama a Instant 300 Gazebo 1 ed eg 13.2 “Incas sor ropes, et pegs ond bog = San ath 260 oh x em art) \ duty, quick setup frome Durable 3000 top canopy * Stel frome: 32 32 mm (966539) rauoHrey| By amore ni 5 ) Ea Cue nll LTT A Sat CoM Cm Tics clash 2 Rated terraceloisure 6-Seater Manor Dining Patio Set + Siz: 180 96 fv) x71 em (294174; 294163) Manor Bistro Chair and Table ‘Manor 6-Seater Rectangular Table | Manor Textilene Chair 1) 3 m Manor * Ati brown wicker * Brown powder-coated sel 7; + Size: 180 (0 96 fw) x71 wth) + Powder-ooted steel rome bases) asai7a) + Forhousehold use only Standard Umbrella Vented canopy osits terracelcisure terracelcisure 1699 manne wise ‘Manor Bistro Chair Manor Bsr Table 449 (917426; 249340; 361656) <i Lope 2)15kg Umbrella Base pected sel ome * Inlodesedoptor rings ons 3 orn 399 irs 429 an (02/2023 Makro DTP/NA MKNTGM351_ Promotion valid from Sunday 1 January fo Saturday 15 Januory 2023 9 “To gen mewordsdoweleod ond regi on he mCard opp Sabie ot matin, Molo wil hove sce! sack o mee opiate denon, Sek all gpd onli ita, Maio il ne ta hey hove int ‘todo me crac donand. Metro sell va rerecble Cost ducorna he fer or oon ox dk sno ong ovo we run eof sock ol gots on oi, ve wl exempt an rere sok rear you {ersonale ered eotporciechercire wih he some prod spect bt west quoretsry te Snell Cte chests prot. dche oc in on advetaorn er cope idommaton a pried, ood ‘Sol noe ire wih ol covet dos For paca, any adertad gcse ont wl ony apy if you by te bk pack Paes oxide econo wned for daplay purposes od ude 13% WAH we or aby ty wl obese wi oy he el foro etna Sr Aer fl Scere Uaa Ne 4720) ee ‘ico & Fader Rt noneng. Males Cut Seamer "oii clues cad fen cutonar proeton‘uurance and rte of 21" Repose cs cor es, exararpacon sone ond iret of 215, “eet Ras oe eyed fo change AN pes cre inde end ciel rcomons ey vey God ch ecco exp. Fees aed ngs base on coer Ak pelle: poy ope fehl PMY ane on rocoto pt pea ow ty “ele lat Pray eg Fp A sail

Latest specials

SAVE 100 ARE ial ia RYOBI 125 cc 4-Stroke Petrol Lawnmower + ang wah em al cating hight 7 poston iasezao, SAVE 200 @zopi1ac MX6 Automatic SAVE 100 2 eee 2499 + Wet deonag wal ond fos i Ee BUY BOTH FOR R2199 terraceicisure terracelcisure Saturn 530 Gas Braai Gorevenes Redledig Chote" 1) 56 em Titan 320 ‘edi: postions Kettle Broa * Cost iron cooking grotes cd +* Includes thermometer on lid (435483) o Et pres) tinge (381209) s7i9e2) D2 2D a SAVE 200 he each cee 2) 56 cm Kettle 4 Braai Cover (430656) 349 cas Bestway, _— bn Family Cabin 490 Tent gama a Instant 300 Gazebo 1 ed eg 13.2 “Incas sor ropes, et pegs ond bog = San ath 260 oh x em art) \ duty, quick setup frome Durable 3000 top canopy * Stel frome: 32 32 mm (966539) rauoHrey| By amore ni 5 ) Ea Cue nll LTT A Sat CoM Cm Tics clash 2 Rated terraceloisure 6-Seater Manor Dining Patio Set + Siz: 180 96 fv) x71 em (294174; 294163) Manor Bistro Chair and Table ‘Manor 6-Seater Rectangular Table | Manor Textilene Chair 1) 3 m Manor * Ati brown wicker * Brown powder-coated sel 7; + Size: 180 (0 96 fw) x71 wth) + Powder-ooted steel rome bases) asai7a) + Forhousehold use only Standard Umbrella Vented canopy osits terracelcisure terracelcisure 1699 manne wise ‘Manor Bistro Chair Manor Bsr Table 449 (917426; 249340; 361656) <i Lope 2)15kg Umbrella Base pected sel ome * Inlodesedoptor rings ons 3 orn 399 irs 429 an (02/2023 Makro DTP/NA MKNTGM351_ Promotion valid from Sunday 1 January fo Saturday 15 Januory 2023 9 “To gen mewordsdoweleod ond regi on he mCard opp Sabie ot matin, Molo wil hove sce! sack o mee opiate denon, Sek all gpd onli ita, Maio il ne ta hey hove int ‘todo me crac donand. Metro sell va rerecble Cost ducorna he fer or oon ox dk sno ong ovo we run eof sock ol gots on oi, ve wl exempt an rere sok rear you {ersonale ered eotporciechercire wih he some prod spect bt west quoretsry te Snell Cte chests prot. dche oc in on advetaorn er cope idommaton a pried, ood ‘Sol noe ire wih ol covet dos For paca, any adertad gcse ont wl ony apy if you by te bk pack Paes oxide econo wned for daplay purposes od ude 13% WAH we or aby ty wl obese wi oy he el foro etna Sr Aer fl Scere Uaa Ne 4720) ee ‘ico & Fader Rt noneng. Males Cut Seamer "oii clues cad fen cutonar proeton‘uurance and rte of 21" Repose cs cor es, exararpacon sone ond iret of 215, “eet Ras oe eyed fo change AN pes cre inde end ciel rcomons ey vey God ch ecco exp. Fees aed ngs base on coer Ak pelle: poy ope fehl PMY ane on rocoto pt pea ow ty “ele lat Pray eg Fp A sail

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