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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 100 ee 7 ; 21.6 V Cordless Stick 1300 W Si “ : 300 W 5-in-1 Steam Mop + hi ied Vacuum Cleaner | Mel Fsaui aes 0s Mores ond emine + Medel: BHFES20)-QW | + Reody to use in 30 seconds + Avoiloble ot selected sores and cole + Removable, ecsy to fil water took (eaten) | Sete ettg th 180° memeeweiog | * Safe to we on olf socked Roars i = ces co rh rent ik squeegee + Available at velctod votes ond online (3978269 SAVE 200 9) "S99" Steam Mop Replocement Pods taaaran WSF ser pork TP eit seam Mop SAVE 200 SAVE150 Cyclovac V Vacuum Cleaner ‘+ Energy use: 1200 W ‘+ Hoglets cyclonic acon 1 stage fibration 249543} eu A) Electrolux Silent Performer Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner i + Medel: 25°C2010 SAVE300 2. 39/2022 Makro,NA.MKNTGM16473 Promotion valid fram Monday 19 Seplember to Sondoy 2 October 2022 PM x 36

Latest specials

SAVE 100 ee 7 ; 21.6 V Cordless Stick 1300 W Si “ : 300 W 5-in-1 Steam Mop + hi ied Vacuum Cleaner | Mel Fsaui aes 0s Mores ond emine + Medel: BHFES20)-QW | + Reody to use in 30 seconds + Avoiloble ot selected sores and cole + Removable, ecsy to fil water took (eaten) | Sete ettg th 180° memeeweiog | * Safe to we on olf socked Roars i = ces co rh rent ik squeegee + Available at velctod votes ond online (3978269 SAVE 200 9) "S99" Steam Mop Replocement Pods taaaran WSF ser pork TP eit seam Mop SAVE 200 SAVE150 Cyclovac V Vacuum Cleaner ‘+ Energy use: 1200 W ‘+ Hoglets cyclonic acon 1 stage fibration 249543} eu A) Electrolux Silent Performer Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner i + Medel: 25°C2010 SAVE300 2. 39/2022 Makro,NA.MKNTGM16473 Promotion valid fram Monday 19 Seplember to Sondoy 2 October 2022 PM x 36

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