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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 30.03 to 05.04 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 30.03.2023 - 05.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

VISIT OUR NEW. FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI IN-STORE 3 UPERSUNMAZE MEAL | == i = a 5 coon | URGE) 2.5ke 8s | $ te) rd supreme | § 2 . _ss90a| ’ r PREME BAKERS aH or] | OD | Sper cise Cake| BAKERS Daca AARIANA FR), aize Meal 08952 | | TUSK waize Meal E 1 Flour ake Flour ice 7 fount i 1} baal =| eo] | maT 2 ALLGOLD. Sek a / ees | = rosie stn ed Eases a at - _" om! 6 ‘fi = Fee — 25 . 95" | are 38" 138: 173” 421” 4” a0 jee |aehty SEI) tn UTST ANCHOR 9 ito ws fee ey ce ; “ feast old Star , i ee| anunc| roisac] EB) ssasac = Z eTSON irre ce EXCELLA EXCELLA| m D'LiTe PAN on =e Bssorted Cooking, ‘Cooking Cooking Oil| f ‘Cooking Oil } cooking Oil _SuNsiaR x eS ag" Oil z == ‘ooking Oil kworR = Pat 730 3 a a oie a Soup £ as : = : Be cxcait xe] am sunfOit | — CI set SUNSTAR| SUNFOIL Sunstar | SEROILSPALM i } Cooking Oi spaghet 1912 “ar 2889 Tig 20 KOOge ioc. euee GOLDI Mixed Partion with Bisrine-based REETRATGOW SOF Mixed RAINS 5:00, RAINE BIOF Mixed ction a 60 s 90 | rm 1 1 760" . «& ( sue | emt 22" 173 aatSO, |e SO) 1591" lain 828" ne Corned ¥ ae 5 i eat cour, Original Sate ee GODEN Spor aS z ean sm nS y = a se yy “inte es 3 a’ os om 18, | Wie Fe noses, 885 e234” WHITE / Instant Frrs wen a har sm Gz 2 @e i ma 03 | cestic 196° Satens 134” je Blue Label svat 3.22 Biscuits ‘CHAPPIES| 7 ke crazy ona pope ce {ono.ure ‘Mibk FULL Assorted Assorted Sreane e onos Orange og * oo] 32" = 47 a, noes a1 senuc #8) aQuellé} | all T91" aa Seis | Bes seas] Natural Stl sats | Sich eet onde sare ann | Soren Cold Drink lavoured an Assorted ginal WATER Gans Only Piaste oun @ spanuitia j.— __ FRESHWAY FRUIT & VEG VALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY RAN 1st} AD Serre cold Brink 3 : g aonna TONEY | Assorted] im cold ‘Dank { porno ge y) _,Tomaro 207054 $ purTeRNoe . | F 1 Pocket hhriftpacks FVONION (Ea Pockets 99) & 9 Z 04* BEY) snr sane varias | 2 | 207268 ea ae BANANA } Stoney i] ry ee

Latest specials

VISIT OUR NEW. FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT AT PRETORIA WEST STORE WITH WIDE RANGE OF BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, BAKERY & HOT FOOD NOW AVAILABLE * PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI IN-STORE 3 UPERSUNMAZE MEAL | == i = a 5 coon | URGE) 2.5ke 8s | $ te) rd supreme | § 2 . _ss90a| ’ r PREME BAKERS aH or] | OD | Sper cise Cake| BAKERS Daca AARIANA FR), aize Meal 08952 | | TUSK waize Meal E 1 Flour ake Flour ice 7 fount i 1} baal =| eo] | maT 2 ALLGOLD. Sek a / ees | = rosie stn ed Eases a at - _" om! 6 ‘fi = Fee — 25 . 95" | are 38" 138: 173” 421” 4” a0 jee |aehty SEI) tn UTST ANCHOR 9 ito ws fee ey ce ; “ feast old Star , i ee| anunc| roisac] EB) ssasac = Z eTSON irre ce EXCELLA EXCELLA| m D'LiTe PAN on =e Bssorted Cooking, ‘Cooking Cooking Oil| f ‘Cooking Oil } cooking Oil _SuNsiaR x eS ag" Oil z == ‘ooking Oil kworR = Pat 730 3 a a oie a Soup £ as : = : Be cxcait xe] am sunfOit | — CI set SUNSTAR| SUNFOIL Sunstar | SEROILSPALM i } Cooking Oi spaghet 1912 “ar 2889 Tig 20 KOOge ioc. euee GOLDI Mixed Partion with Bisrine-based REETRATGOW SOF Mixed RAINS 5:00, RAINE BIOF Mixed ction a 60 s 90 | rm 1 1 760" . «& ( sue | emt 22" 173 aatSO, |e SO) 1591" lain 828" ne Corned ¥ ae 5 i eat cour, Original Sate ee GODEN Spor aS z ean sm nS y = a se yy “inte es 3 a’ os om 18, | Wie Fe noses, 885 e234” WHITE / Instant Frrs wen a har sm Gz 2 @e i ma 03 | cestic 196° Satens 134” je Blue Label svat 3.22 Biscuits ‘CHAPPIES| 7 ke crazy ona pope ce {ono.ure ‘Mibk FULL Assorted Assorted Sreane e onos Orange og * oo] 32" = 47 a, noes a1 senuc #8) aQuellé} | all T91" aa Seis | Bes seas] Natural Stl sats | Sich eet onde sare ann | Soren Cold Drink lavoured an Assorted ginal WATER Gans Only Piaste oun @ spanuitia j.— __ FRESHWAY FRUIT & VEG VALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY RAN 1st} AD Serre cold Brink 3 : g aonna TONEY | Assorted] im cold ‘Dank { porno ge y) _,Tomaro 207054 $ purTeRNoe . | F 1 Pocket hhriftpacks FVONION (Ea Pockets 99) & 9 Z 04* BEY) snr sane varias | 2 | 207268 ea ae BANANA } Stoney i] ry ee

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