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Current special Game - New Year - Valid from 26.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 4

Special Game 26.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

F e Bokomo Everfresh FullÂź Jungle Oats, Weet-Bix + Cream UHT Long (Original 1g " Cereat 900g Life Mitk 6 x1L_ Joko Tagless Fy 5 Teabags 100s } Bakers Good B Morning Biscuits Bakers a 300 g OR Bakers Bakers Topper A Red Label es Rusks 450.9 Creams Biscult Big S Cream Biscuits Beacon Bars Num, Se Assorted ab g Assorted = 200 9 Assorted 46 9-58 g Assorted Great Value 97 ANY 2FOR ANY 3 FOR Large Eggs FF 7 , R 18s |Stimorot Chewing Cadbury Dairy Mitk Beacon Sweets IGum 14s 26 9 Blue bird Bubbly 1509 Packet 75 g Assorted Assorted Toffee "a ANY 2FOR Selection 400 9 ANY 2FOR a” ANY 3FOR \ 6 : ‘ iS ACH NestlĂ© Kit Kat Chunky Caramet Gold 40. e 4 OR Kit Kat 4 Finger AaO 2 NestlĂ© Aero Slabs ‘i Caramel Gold 41.5 9 = 135g Assorted 4 peserothaae =. ANY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR ' BD 91999 Simba Ghost Ri Pops 100 g Sy , ‘Lipton Ice Tea Rhodes eS i SeMepeest 500 ml Assorted 100% Fruit vankatan scenes ergwaer ieee WANVEOR y Zueeiet—pepsioriono,_ ANY 6 FOR Strip assorted men a 4 Mirinda Âą > 5-Pack 30g a m Mountain Dew s| = Ig "EACH cae 2u : EACH s | Windhoek Lager - ~ Hunters Extreme URS EX S20 Cans 6x 300ml 2FOR ‘ I bo) | 4 Johnnie Watker Harrier Blended Annabelle Jagermeister } South African Cuvee OR Cuvee Sho 78n Herbal Liqueur Wig 70 ad Blanche 750 ml sooter:750 ml 750 mt Peery pe eee Peace kaeiepedaspece ol peatenceteieaianletece onetaredokentaqatineenetennniecommurterurcmetatsectripeitord-cmesiatemiuntoeeam ore cme eect rentteet sterue tec eet wee antsaot snp iat rtr et tetera eed Sinise reer A eer ear eceat it ernet oes ait sears bremesr Starr Cres eee Game_Stores eal ne oa Hee - Crete Ser) 7) ee ON OBEN 655 ae erga nts

Latest specials

F e Bokomo Everfresh FullÂź Jungle Oats, Weet-Bix + Cream UHT Long (Original 1g " Cereat 900g Life Mitk 6 x1L_ Joko Tagless Fy 5 Teabags 100s } Bakers Good B Morning Biscuits Bakers a 300 g OR Bakers Bakers Topper A Red Label es Rusks 450.9 Creams Biscult Big S Cream Biscuits Beacon Bars Num, Se Assorted ab g Assorted = 200 9 Assorted 46 9-58 g Assorted Great Value 97 ANY 2FOR ANY 3 FOR Large Eggs FF 7 , R 18s |Stimorot Chewing Cadbury Dairy Mitk Beacon Sweets IGum 14s 26 9 Blue bird Bubbly 1509 Packet 75 g Assorted Assorted Toffee "a ANY 2FOR Selection 400 9 ANY 2FOR a” ANY 3FOR \ 6 : ‘ iS ACH NestlĂ© Kit Kat Chunky Caramet Gold 40. e 4 OR Kit Kat 4 Finger AaO 2 NestlĂ© Aero Slabs ‘i Caramel Gold 41.5 9 = 135g Assorted 4 peserothaae =. ANY 2FOR ANY 2 FOR ' BD 91999 Simba Ghost Ri Pops 100 g Sy , ‘Lipton Ice Tea Rhodes eS i SeMepeest 500 ml Assorted 100% Fruit vankatan scenes ergwaer ieee WANVEOR y Zueeiet—pepsioriono,_ ANY 6 FOR Strip assorted men a 4 Mirinda Âą > 5-Pack 30g a m Mountain Dew s| = Ig "EACH cae 2u : EACH s | Windhoek Lager - ~ Hunters Extreme URS EX S20 Cans 6x 300ml 2FOR ‘ I bo) | 4 Johnnie Watker Harrier Blended Annabelle Jagermeister } South African Cuvee OR Cuvee Sho 78n Herbal Liqueur Wig 70 ad Blanche 750 ml sooter:750 ml 750 mt Peery pe eee Peace kaeiepedaspece ol peatenceteieaianletece onetaredokentaqatineenetennniecommurterurcmetatsectripeitord-cmesiatemiuntoeeam ore cme eect rentteet sterue tec eet wee antsaot snp iat rtr et tetera eed Sinise reer A eer ear eceat it ernet oes ait sears bremesr Starr Cres eee Game_Stores eal ne oa Hee - Crete Ser) 7) ee ON OBEN 655 ae erga nts

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