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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 15.05 to 21.05 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 15.05.2023 - 21.05.2023

Products in this catalogue

0 FFrnowmr i.) SS Namibian English Cucumbers Lemons a EOR 2, N$30 ©) WFreowny 5 Arona ©) Wernowmy| ‘omatoe comator ; venetoe pi) 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, SS 1x Namibian Butternut Bag 3 kg, 1x Onion Bag 2 kg, 1x Sweet Potato Carry Pocket 2 kg, 1x Namibian Large Cabbage, 1x Namibian Carrot Thriftpack 1 kg N$200 Kelteltsa=Sd Namibian Salad Tomato Thriftpacks 750 9 Namibian Orange Thriftpacks 1 kg Beacon Slabs Assorted 80 g : = & | ; 4FOR ‘ete! | a NS4 : . fms Bie | Flora Light or — . bei ae = mm, _Nando’s Sauces Denny Sauces "Assorted 250ml — Assorted 410 9 ANY 2FOR =| N$70 each «> «cw | Food Lover's Sunflower Oil 2L Denny Pour-over Food Lover’s UHT Full Cream or Low Fat Long Life Milk 6 x 1L. 10922 each Namibian Plain or Plain or Spiced Beef Ribs per kg MS) ne Namibian F Ground Mince crumbe Chicken per kg N$70 © ‘Sauces Assorted 200 g Bee) 1142. Namibian Orange Carry Pockets N$70 Rhodes 100% Juice Assorted 6 x 200 ml 44°92 each Naartjie Thriftpacks 1kg 19 “ y Food Lover’s Carbonated Soft Drinks Assorted 2 L N$50 Spiced Pork Belly Rashers | per kg 1d Wings See ANTE TRS atl eli e§ Food Lover's Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoéb, Swakopmund, Deu OAL ELC ORAL CLS CRU OU DE CLOG LOR UALR oe aS CoO Ge eee COR a POU aU STA RUT CWecIL] each [ni Hy asta Li Namibian Green, Red or Yellow Pepper Thriftpacks 4s ALL FOR 50 —— Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg each 3 FOR N$40 ae ¥ 1 si Nam. Namibian Kameelhout 8 kg a, 1 crumbed Chicken P) schnitzels 109%... : | —™ | = as: ———- 5a Food Lover’s Smoked or Chicken Thompsons Viennas 1kg 49° Ee oa CU oe ec a ec Russians 900 g each 414 400 + Food Lover’s Market, Hilltop Village, Corner Ombika & Grove St, Kleine Kuppe, Windhoek (Next to Grove Mall) *

Latest specials

0 FFrnowmr i.) SS Namibian English Cucumbers Lemons a EOR 2, N$30 ©) WFreowny 5 Arona ©) Wernowmy| ‘omatoe comator ; venetoe pi) 1x Potato Bag 3 kg, SS 1x Namibian Butternut Bag 3 kg, 1x Onion Bag 2 kg, 1x Sweet Potato Carry Pocket 2 kg, 1x Namibian Large Cabbage, 1x Namibian Carrot Thriftpack 1 kg N$200 Kelteltsa=Sd Namibian Salad Tomato Thriftpacks 750 9 Namibian Orange Thriftpacks 1 kg Beacon Slabs Assorted 80 g : = & | ; 4FOR ‘ete! | a NS4 : . fms Bie | Flora Light or — . bei ae = mm, _Nando’s Sauces Denny Sauces "Assorted 250ml — Assorted 410 9 ANY 2FOR =| N$70 each «> «cw | Food Lover's Sunflower Oil 2L Denny Pour-over Food Lover’s UHT Full Cream or Low Fat Long Life Milk 6 x 1L. 10922 each Namibian Plain or Plain or Spiced Beef Ribs per kg MS) ne Namibian F Ground Mince crumbe Chicken per kg N$70 © ‘Sauces Assorted 200 g Bee) 1142. Namibian Orange Carry Pockets N$70 Rhodes 100% Juice Assorted 6 x 200 ml 44°92 each Naartjie Thriftpacks 1kg 19 “ y Food Lover’s Carbonated Soft Drinks Assorted 2 L N$50 Spiced Pork Belly Rashers | per kg 1d Wings See ANTE TRS atl eli e§ Food Lover's Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoéb, Swakopmund, Deu OAL ELC ORAL CLS CRU OU DE CLOG LOR UALR oe aS CoO Ge eee COR a POU aU STA RUT CWecIL] each [ni Hy asta Li Namibian Green, Red or Yellow Pepper Thriftpacks 4s ALL FOR 50 —— Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg each 3 FOR N$40 ae ¥ 1 si Nam. Namibian Kameelhout 8 kg a, 1 crumbed Chicken P) schnitzels 109%... : | —™ | = as: ———- 5a Food Lover’s Smoked or Chicken Thompsons Viennas 1kg 49° Ee oa CU oe ec a ec Russians 900 g each 414 400 + Food Lover’s Market, Hilltop Village, Corner Ombika & Grove St, Kleine Kuppe, Windhoek (Next to Grove Mall) *

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