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Current special Lewis Stores - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 14.11 to 10.12 - Page nb 20

Special Lewis Stores 14.11.2022 - 10.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Kelvinator > “= AQCG Pemetsion itt eeentcs= acDeSTaRCST - ji =a ;TERMS*)E14409X24] DEPOSIT:1E2000) INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) {ied Kelvinator Se || s = STERMS*)E18329X24) DEPOSIT:/E2600) [INCLUDESyaLINCOSTS) OPTIONAL INSUR __ OFFERS YOU THE FOLLOWI BENEFI (WHERE APPLICAB \CE G GED rents rare 22.00%. Should your ‘the outstanding balance will be settled in full. the outstanding balance will be settled in full._ the outstanding balance willbe settled in full. i Kelvinator > \ = ti i : Taw a-11 INCLUDESTALITCOSTS i GE as i | = = = » Kelvinator = = esa rae i @ Russell Hobbs: D ’ Y 4 - Ge OBB u WT: A a efelelye ‘ eleye sTERMS: £1440)X24 j DEPOSIT: / E2000) INCLUDES/ALL’ COSTS) ere ferns" e916}x24]Dex0SIT:21200 5 INCLUDESYALIICOSTS 1 a j | f bh | Kelvinator > a Kelvinator > <i — = TaMnicee \ VTA BeT i ' a 2 V ae D at eYelele A'QaQc e FreRms4 2020124) Der0sir4e2900) FIERMSTE17679X24] DEEOSIT{ E2500) NcLUDESTALITCOSTS} INCLUDESYALIICOSTS DAMAGE INSURANCE roduct be accidently damaged, THEFT INSURANCE Inthe event of the theft of your product, DEATH INSURANCE In the event of the account holder's death, DISABILITY INSURANCE RETRENCHMENT INSURANCE ‘We wil settle your outstanding balance, should you Should you be retrenched, become permanently or temporarily disabled. ‘we will settle your account.

Latest specials

Kelvinator > “= AQCG Pemetsion itt eeentcs= acDeSTaRCST - ji =a ;TERMS*)E14409X24] DEPOSIT:1E2000) INCLUDESJALINCOSTS) {ied Kelvinator Se || s = STERMS*)E18329X24) DEPOSIT:/E2600) [INCLUDESyaLINCOSTS) OPTIONAL INSUR __ OFFERS YOU THE FOLLOWI BENEFI (WHERE APPLICAB \CE G GED rents rare 22.00%. Should your ‘the outstanding balance will be settled in full. the outstanding balance will be settled in full._ the outstanding balance willbe settled in full. i Kelvinator > \ = ti i : Taw a-11 INCLUDESTALITCOSTS i GE as i | = = = » Kelvinator = = esa rae i @ Russell Hobbs: D ’ Y 4 - Ge OBB u WT: A a efelelye ‘ eleye sTERMS: £1440)X24 j DEPOSIT: / E2000) INCLUDES/ALL’ COSTS) ere ferns" e916}x24]Dex0SIT:21200 5 INCLUDESYALIICOSTS 1 a j | f bh | Kelvinator > a Kelvinator > <i — = TaMnicee \ VTA BeT i ' a 2 V ae D at eYelele A'QaQc e FreRms4 2020124) Der0sir4e2900) FIERMSTE17679X24] DEEOSIT{ E2500) NcLUDESTALITCOSTS} INCLUDESYALIICOSTS DAMAGE INSURANCE roduct be accidently damaged, THEFT INSURANCE Inthe event of the theft of your product, DEATH INSURANCE In the event of the account holder's death, DISABILITY INSURANCE RETRENCHMENT INSURANCE ‘We wil settle your outstanding balance, should you Should you be retrenched, become permanently or temporarily disabled. ‘we will settle your account.

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